Show agide B BEAMS UI is tile 01 a a bs oyda vairo alfiro itil ta 1 lare crep c S to prepare a into the bills at r tte its flames last JODI july 10 al owl of alln ye aing g iet motored to an 11 cayon 0 and there pre pro tt tet 01 th WP UPI er proportion to a alarta tall 8 feast in abar a after the supper the party it through h mv games kaa 11 spent ble tine the thew fal ea U aby part it 1 and mrs ka took i j if and 1 mr mrs delbert A ft g jab john christensen M mill an a d yf q christensen mr ht 1 l a T pew dew v f Latch le M mr T and ar y and M mrs A iltz ande n mr r 9 y 31 mr ani mrs james Ev evane eLlis della B th ebey calvin frai kr alron rl ron glenn bul a bartlett and henry alc I 1 blat started et arteil from the a man JL amusement hall back of the little ex a few dayi days 1 a running up the tile hill rapidly to rh i ly y n efte extent t that it had to be AI aa the fire department would tome but he coulden it t f find ind a buck so 1 tie tle crew from jonk the bridge rea 5 and the fire was wa boon soon checked A local church churell house is undergoing pest at aad a attractive transforming by apse a of if paint point with a wall of preach f lined on edges and window a pearl whit bit tho the building buil dini certainly in the sunlight the inside I 1 anberg similar treatment with dourly I 1 sidewalk dewalk ai entirely around building the neatly kept lawn and eh pho drevs the bon home ie Is becoming y attra atra ta 0 and is a cleaning plea ning eight tie be lir u 1 pl I kir K ir ty w m as on a flying shop kg g tour four of P ri e 1 list monday with neapolis nl apolis atil MOO monlay y july jilly 16 was melin div i lits n birthday anniversary and Ws ads nearly beat him to death six ru I 1 times and itu I 1 in mat ma 1 be because cuse I 1 nt 11 know it U until after I 1 had bad turned lob loose doggo nelt A daina dainty little attest affair 3 lidid h ld I 1 in ia honor onor to little louise neliea nen iea da h ter of mr ami aud mrs hans ilan deebs 1 th theome bome of the parents the occasion n at ws tho the little hostess birtha y antil mcary ot of four years and this vie Vs ads ao 10 first birthday party A wonderful time ot of bamel amee ih as hide and seek apte P u ring aroun I 1 the nosy and london 0 uridge were by tre ue many after which a tasty testy lap isip lunch of sand punch take cake oranges a nd chocolates was served the fol lowing were present thelma single ton leroy naylor i ay lor selma and ruby shiner glenila Glen ilg and ruth Leak lmeter neater ada strate venice jones clera lira ani aill vione wall euth denison litti betty eia christensen and the little hostess louise denison the amusement hall las lai a new i tan ian one of the beet beat on the th ruse ket ite its a baldwin medium grall grani I 1 an ani I 1 it ie Is already in uso use oa on the nely eon on trucked ted pl that has been bul built especially for the we are fortunate to have flave one so gifted as patey patsy leaie to bo be the all ani orchestra accompanist fer this nr piano take takes a real artist to ganjie it to produce the real music from it this new ew gift ift is greatly mrs horace naylor hal ha I 1 a emlay and as a result she will bac a house full at tit 1 2 tuesday after noon of her most intimate Int imite frie friend among the ladles ladies sha she know anything about it nt at thin time bet she he will by the timo time this goes a to I 1 rem those that are invited to this P 0 party aret mrs andrew Christen christeneen Ren mrs afro nepi I 1 christensen airs tally I 1 v ana ans sr mrs afro trilly evans jr mrs nits sam naylor JS aylor mrs ray naylor aars tames tomes naylor mrs george smith mrs will devillen Me Villen mrs W II 11 mcmillen Me mr lira emma johnson mrs barney john son mrs I tola hansen mrs james alvans mrs alvin duke mrs homer mrs afro james I 1 ng richt Is jack mrs john lewis mrs singleton mrs lira del kay vr tl 1311 1 told t yoa ym that eke se conla h have a hooe house full toe net tinta do yo you U a agree ith what vou get mrs horace wiep ati yeu you hae ba e a birthy at t to 0 ow k the ua ausk pupil of mie miss patey patsy meese wil will elip slip into her hoir house aul a I 1 surprise eirp tte her 0 o the ocea Blou ot of the te be her birth birthday dav many little head heads are ve bodall 0 fit one an all other 1 all ant I 1 gl or oer the th na lis of the fuming coming surprise miss ml thelma is i at tie tile head of this and khow to be invited are ar an I 1 mary alary littlee tin hn jaaes JIle ekse billie N pearl ll attema dora deal sod 00 oo fresl arl baw iuele luil Mertens cn II 11 ka u morton on emily even eans delia della D cueli Du buehs eli delores Dt ilore shiner may vay un irich t johanna J non noon caunitz blanth mary and anti toufie LOT bett ee tt dhring the dwa part there will be ba eak oak anil and cream crown wt kr e el I 1 to the guiet ute many bay hap py returns if 4 th day daiv |