Show hard rd to get rid of when marren larren nichols of augusta me opened up lils hl faragi a one morn ing lie found the wreck of on an antu auto parked before trie the door it there fill day end and cot not wishing to luve 0 each a c h a bad advertisement in froat ot of hta his phoned the chief of polac police but be interested Interest pd the dext next oa 01 tri chiq machine had ad moved to a vann spot pot before the shop of warren blacksmith AN arren accused nichola nichols but to do no mall and I 1 d dawn found that the wan deritis heap bed bd bad crept into harry shaw a woodyard again 1 came ac cusat lons but the old ironclad had reached ite its val balia stripped of its 1 ts adornments tires lights etc ete the wan derer still grace the he wooda woodpile ile |