Show PREVENT YOUR LOSS IN MARKETING EGGS by pron uder kider rymal utah ag all ri cultural elation station each year there Is considerable I 1 in the markeif g oc of egge eggs this Is I 1 3 all true iiii the spring and eum aum M e r month months the important causes for thi this loss in might be summed up ns its fol los low 1 calek development or fineu I 1 atin 2 shrinkage or evaporation 3 cracked or broken egg eggs 4 ditty eggs and 8 5 rotten moldy and bad flavored egg Mu chit ellof this his loss 1088 coul be prevented ire vented if the producer woud follow a few simple rules in handling hie his egge eggs production of infertile eggs a eoon soon as a i the hatching season li is over all cinalt birds should be killel kille 1 nold sold or it espe fally dally valuable breeders brec dera they should be placed in a pen liy by tai stiem em bell 1 8 male bird birds should not be kept in the flock at any time if the egg eggs from tho the flock tape e not to be used for foi hatching teuy shoula either be old sold as broilers when they weigh about two poun I 1 or caponia apo nUd d liens will pro duce just as a many and move eggs without the roosters ro gathering Oa and BUr bucketing Market of eggs a daring during warra worm weather eggs choul he be gathered gath crad atlease twice a day and kept in a cool dry cellar tree free from odor odors they should be marketed at leat least once I week 1 sorting of eggs as the are ate brought in from the yards thoy should be carefully arted sorted and all email small dirty beott eliell cd and very laege or odd shaped eggs should be taken out tut and used at home eggs suitable Sul for market only cleat good sized egg with strong shells should hould be sent to market clean nest nests md and surroundings nee entry the number of dirty eggs can an bo greatly reduced by haying baying plenty of large clean nests provided with good neit nest litter for this either fine shavings figs or sawdust Is excellent one nest fkr each four or five hens hells in the flock should bf be provided there should be plenty of pf clean dry litter on the floor the hens should not be allowed to run out in a muddy flirty dirty yard the dropping boards should be cleaned clean od often it has been found advisable to stretch poultry wire under the perches and above the dropping boards to keep the he hena liens out of the drol droppings pings this practice in lit the ontra control ont rt of fates late parasites pnra para lt |