Show SHERIFFS SALE in tho Di district court ot of carlott carl on count state staw ot of utah 1 P F hk I 1 lak plaintiff v mary clr airo 0 falvo and dinillo kalvo to b be s old at abher sheriff iff a it ball balt ui uti the ath clay day of june A 1 I 15 at 1 2 a 0 birck cl ck P M ut at the ati front door ot of the county court oue oyie e in price carbon county utah the fallowing lowing fl de A crit W 41 pro forty I 1 iii 11 carbon utah to wit at a point xa feet west wound uni 50 00 feet t orth 15 pes e t front 0 a southeast orner of 0 section 11 1 te brwn wn hip hill 11 ranze 0 east of tho salt lako meridian terl dlan theace north I 1 degree it 4 west a distance of 70 foe nget t 11 tant anco want t WO feet to the cent r rhani 1 I 1 of arte rivan ui in a s liberty direction down ohp ali arico river rivee a 70 not more or ia ic ai to a ertain 40 rt Ain paint point d due we at of 0 the point ot of I 1 gInnI tiK 0 t i ne eat 4 a distance of 20 2 feet act more or 14 1 as to the pa paint nt of bt ginal f alo be gInnif at a point W afef t att and feet bet north 11 1 deames wi litand ost tand and I 1 fret feet north 2 deghi ms wt pct from the corner corne of of action 13 town fp ip 13 couth ith range 0 V east eat of ihu tho bait salt I 1 alio ake meridian the ico north 2 degrees wet ata 0 distance ot of M 6 i fe fet it aest IZ 1 fact bior or it linn mit to the th renter center hannel thannel 0 of irice river thoice a 11 nl ni W teet tn to A point due III the tho point of 0 beginning then east cast a gl digance df tance of ica feet inore or leas lei to place ot of beginning aico 1 an undivided edane halt interest la thil following lle ginning at a polet ys fret feet net seit if 1 I tho tk southeast ouli eat corner of u action 13 11 town ship 13 south ot of R 0 cart eat of the tile salt sal I 1 aej meridian ru running 15 degree degrees wt west 60 dept thence due duet went west to co c anter ot of nain waln channel ot of price riv riar r a distance diA tance of 0 about feet morn or less le chenco southerly fout herly to a point duo due wet we t nf of tho i tocks of bg lunIng 30 icet feet inor or lem thence rat ra et t to th the ilac of dabid my alay th 1010 1019 1 1 V koltl h V LT I 1 it blie rIff of 0 arbott county utah I 1 lut pub may alay 11 1 lit pub I 1 lunah une 5 |