Show TEN TO RECEIVE H S sheepskins the commencement exercises for chec the irbon county hi gh school will be held in the hu U of the school next friday even evenie log june at t 8 30 while the war depleted the rank of caad loates for there are 10 students who will bo be graduated with diplomas li showing four years of work satisfactorily completed comple teil all of these people have 10 16 units or pr more of high work and have all the squint subjects to admit them tj teany any college or university they may choose to enter the commencement program is being arranga d this week and will be printed in full in next ext weeks issue of the news advocate superintendent orson atvin will deliver the ad deas iless to the graduates and president marcusen of the board of education ed will award the diplomas there will be a grand ball in the gymnasium following the exercise every part ou oil the program Is being espe evilly prep prepared wed and will be carried off with promptness and dis 1 short spicy speeches arill select raus brousil lAl numbers will characterize the Oven evening Ings program from 8 30 to 10 dancing will begin immediately afterwards and a good time Is a insured all parents stud cuts and friends of thi school those who will receive are thelma jones arvilla ryan glena N nelson alice A madsen elbom 51 miller irene moss gunder son leland mcdonald eidl eld 0 Bearen Oe arenson sov drucilla jones va ta loui loura louie e |