Show THE ai a WI groark 81 erve your guests with BeVo jo nhi N hi repasts dih dainties dain fies fish and lobster dishes wild ame cold cuts of meats Z cheese or bevo is the friend of food and fellowship sad of p r 14 1 iad P r BUSCH ST LOUIS price beverage co 8 L distributors cite BUY B UY t a 0 1 THESE T H E 8 E COALS 0 A L S AND BUY THEM E EARLY A R L Y your dealer con can let you have castle gate or clear creek coal promptly and in any quantity NOW and the price for the present is low ion next net loll 1011 he fie nuy not be able to deliver you either of these standard fuels without vexatious delay and the price will ill be holier higher start filling your bin today ASK YOUR OUR DEALER MINED ONLY BY UTAH U T A H FUEL F U E L CO C 00 SALT S AIL 77 L LAKE A K F HENRY PP NRY FIACK F ACK builder and mt contractor WILL FIGURE ANY JOB B electric shoo repairing S and factory JAMES BESSO prop ard P pmj i turn 1111 madg dig frieb I 1 I 1 FIXEM guns phonographs ty type writer aiters etc cire direfully fully 01 0 hauled and put in good con general repair work bring 1 it to me I 1 fe he ROBINSON FARM LANDS e I 1 have some excellent farms for sale both large and small ampro edana unimproved and some I 1 fully equipped jig J it costs you nothing to j look them over and get terms and learn all about them E K OLSON it L S 8 corem Cm n our S eko theatre PHONE price utah s eswa arrow auto I 1 jill line BETWEEN price and sunnyside Sunny side ji 1 and price irr I 1 ce and hiawatha jill A i ars leave union shiite depot j tat tavern ern bid bag 9 a in and I 1 3 rpm p m dally j DAILY EACH WAY prompt and nd co leous tret treat mant service out motto j PHONES 89 22 27 1 1 1 its easy to select a satisfying meal ava at a satisfying price from our menu regular dinner fiort S bort orders all hours awell well cooked in a sanitary sani tiry kitchen special attention to ladie and 0 o children only american help employed colletts cafe 3 doors east 1 of el eko tleater ABERDEEN the high efficiency COAL C 0 A L government equivalent 2104 ibs lbs unequalled for storage will not slack best of steaming and healing 0 qualities independent goal coal coke NO company kerill worth atall general le office anmer biank bildt 10 h BAIT CITY J |