Show jve at lime acte bets count our Clinti Lre 11 we ve could rely on phrase phrases to make things go what a delightful world it would auld bet bel we could all sit it around in comfortable altitude attitudes and be statesmen financier nr ili anything we chose one neat utterance and most anybody can think up one in the course of a long summer day and und the most perplex perplexing ine of world problems is solved another ind the nit national ional debt is paid off a third and our fortune is made with a non bleik able shoe sho string bucit but it is is not that bind kind of a world unluckily il tor fur the ready speaker speakers and ready writer writers thing things must have a foundation of some sort or liln lh simply vant stand up it ii is ui ready speakers speak and ready writers are in the majority and could make the merely con truc tive talents of the plodding work a day rity look mighty piddling i phrase could build a wall as j e 3 jod od as a bri arks iks the war sw siw a good many phrases turned out and a good goca many people accepted them and passed them on for sou hd currency some of them were but others did an immense of harm none one was ws more specious or trav tied led farther thin that ht one about the self of peoples it sounded so good that few per son on took the trouble 0 to o inquire what it meant there wa was some hing ing about it t that had an abit 4 1 matic cadence something solidly satisfying commonplace L like a dictum from V richards almanus Al manuc mantic we lud bid a vague ideis that we h id known it all our lives that it was in the declaration of independence migna cherta or somewhere we took it and tan lots of us when vu v u came to examine and apply it we found what a split and hollow tiling thino it was a we sa the danger and dynamite in it aw saw it fall 1 in places where if it been genuine it should t notice NOTI Cd and we sa a it plant ib 14 of diao nt and rebellion 0 pl acts cherr it could not 1 or wisely han bae e been applied at all it up trouble in EA pt india in ireland where stif de irmi nation it applied could mean ebaos and wars aars of religion religions and races and in china where might have been as shantung it was withheld t it ought to be a lesson leison to us fj tobe to be caught with base metal when customers alio shove c such ak I 1 i ib coin acoss across ac oss clr u counters we bior i 0 to o rangit ring it down before we erin ring Ait it up |