Show ABOUT YOO ho FHI ENOS J F macknight went to bait halt like sunday to attend conference Confere ace W sa dr F P P F fisk nak aft I 1 luerd lue tuesday sd evening for a visit in chicago W SS mrs charles avenal spent saturday and sunday with herain her eon frank rank and family at castle gate W ss seren olsen and wife were among the conference visitor the first of the week W m ga 39 principal B A fowler went to salt lake sunday to supervise the laying on cut of the high school annual ass W 89 george horner returned from zion sunday after taking mrs horner romer in for a few weeks hospital treatment was W SS mrs john pace and mis alts mcclure wilson were among the conference passengers to salt like lake sunday ass W ss dr J W nixon of Ili hiawatha awatha is looking after some of the patients at carbon hospital this week while dr rose is in bait salt lake WIM A large variety of D na M 0 package godt od crochet thread and embroidery cotton at elite lympany tom Lom pany W 93 0 S pendley has arrived in price from salt lake to as ass clat in the promotion of the state building und and loan a docial ion W ws SS a C W shores came in from the uintah basin saturday to look after local matters he lie had been inspecting bis his lasin holdings W ass SS I 1 J R sharp went to salt silt lake sunday evening to purchase materials fop foin his new dairy on the milner farm at wellington W attorney 0 S price arrived in price sunday to again make mace it his home he lie will be associated with thomas fouts ii nsf W ay S 00 Q 8 bishop george ruff of scofield came down to castle gate for the reception to the soldiers saturday evening and went to conference sunday W as mrs bill florence goodart was in the CA city Y a few dais das ago from labud II 11 being her first visit vilt to the county seat in sever month she elates es that henry has returned home ho m e from froni over seis and is s working at latuda W 8 11 J C jenen jen en shipped bead head of lambs with some ewes to colorado a fe few davs dava ago for feeding on rich range he lie will add 3 GOO more to them and fatten them for market at the earliest possible POR bIble date chris believes in doing things in a hurry burry and says that there is no use in taking several months to do something that can be done in a few ft 88 toe cans of the severe and sudden change in the te weather became known a few fw f w days ago when walter bass local observer announced that he had a visit from cecil M alter who manufactures the weather for utah when mr alt saw the happiness and prosperity of price people he decided that they needed a little setback and ordered the clock turned back to winter time the news new advocate was dec deadly pleased to learn a few days ago that bruce of standardville Stand ardville hid bid b id returned from ind reported that he otiis as blither lost nor dead lie ie carries four wounds and spent many lone long months in n a french hospital lie has recovered sufficiently to return to his work as a electrician at the camp and says that with a lev few months back among home folks be he will b be as good as new in spile spite of the holes hun bullets put in him rollo johnson principal of the winter quarters school accompanied by his wife and babies yar 4 here visiting with parents and friends his ills schools closed last week its natural they all want to run back home for a awhile while when the opportunity presents pie itself and we ar are e always glad to see them acme items emery county progress ass mrs ida baileh mcadoo has been here for several days visiting around her old home and seeing the friends of childhood expressing herself as enjoying herself imin ensly she went to price where she expects to meet in beet her husbad bus bad d who will join her in visiting before returning to their home in oregon she has some brothers othera br in price and an aunt and some cousins in huntington besides other relatives who are all lad to see her huntington items emery county progress W SS 88 1 iho he orsea kyan ryan family motored to salt lake sunday to attend conference superintendent ryan delivered the ment it at union in the Tt rihn district monday evening vi SA 11 C glennes who has been acting superintendent at while W N wetzel was ia in the east was in price saturday on his way from salt lake W asa SA dr P F E estes of standardville Stand ardville arrived home saturday afternoon by auto from denver he lie drove to den verland stored bis his car when he went into ser service ice last fall fill and had not had ture previously to go 90 after it W 89 8 9 ator david of CA cale i dale and his family were in alce saturday in their jit on their way to SU galt 13 lae ke to attend conference and the convention of the utah pies |