Show AM AN ORDIN ORDINANCE ANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGU LAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUN TY commissioners OF CARBON COUNTY the allt I ard C 0 1 county commissioners of th county u of Cit kitkoon Cutt koon xin utah in regu lar r wim as a follow follows baioni 1 the I 1 ord oard of county coir alli 1 joner sot ol 01 carbon county hatate of uth utah hall shall hold no rt gular meeting in each ili deery an and tery during the ear ar in the ollice of the hoard board in tile courthouse in 1 ice car a bon wn count county utah upon the day a and lid at ta lie hour aa a follow e to wit the s ocal cal ty or eaith month at 10 0 alok A 1 I bention 2 I 1 in cao any of the d bys in fit th thi i preceding section of 0 this ordinance fall falls upon a boil holiday day ald said meeting hll be deum d al appointed a for mid and the forn adjourned tb tri the n at legal bu bulnes bulus lus day as a pro vidad by I 1 law a bw w ton ion 3 all regular t ald aid bloard of county sl all be public pectin n I 1 all or part i t f ordinances in conflict with thin this erdl nance S si action 6 5 ihle ordinance ord ill ill all talc take effect ruet daiy june julio logli A U D A 19 tula s date I 1 liing ing not le 1 4 t tl an kitna n daa di after ita its pa dage I 1 1 aed and Rp approved proved uth day dav of it may lay A 1 1919 camink albert bryner h ibon ib on and enill othine each an I 1 all voting aye ALBERT chairman Chal hoard of county ers re carbon county ht bt he ite of or utah atra pr it 1 C SMITH county clerk art p ib 11 ay 29 last I 1 pub juno 28 26 |