Show city IT Y WINS SUIT OVER THE T I 1 HE LEGALITY OF WATER BONDS A J lee lost his suit before the supreme court as he hoped ho he would his contention contenti or heirs that the water bonde bonds issued by the city of u price were a not legally authorized the question wab raised by the company which was to buy the bonds and wad waa over a technicality as to the legislative procedure in passing ng the amendment which inere ased the bonding power of cities 60 u that they could issue bonds to the amount of 12 per cent of the assessed vacation val an adverse ruling would have all of the constitutional amend taints adopted for many years and would have play blayd d havoc in central general the city will ha bare ye no furter dim aulty in disposing of the bonds even if the company which raised the question as to their legality still refuses use to take them thern there are plenty plent of companies which are look ins for juat just such securities part of the decision of the supreme court reada ahlis inquiry involve i i coni construction true of the lavau language ige cm employed such proposed amendment or amendments shall bo be entered on their respective journals the provision just quoted I 1 li ib if the verb catered I 1 Is ia synonymous ao 10 41 1 4 0 mean entered at large or entered I 1 h a full I 1 iho the cort cod provision haq bal not been 4 complied with in our opinion to fj t enter doe does not necessarily mean to 3 copy or to transcribe and to enter upon the journals jour nas does dots not imply that an amendment must be copied in iq full fv or entered at large upon tho the jour lais of both houses of the legislature or of either of them thern among tle framers of constitution bete J lawyers lawYer so jurists and publicists of k signal ability and varied experience their work was done with care and deliberation t aver since the adoption adopt lon of the constitution the practice in the legia lature haa has been to enter proposed by reference only and not in full in our opinion it would do violence to bath the vp spirit arlt and letter of the law lo 10 bold hold that the formal entry on legislative journals hi a subject to bome technical criticism and that that therefore there foie the amendment should he e fr declared vod and invalid and the ex 1 pressed will of the people thwarted in the OP 1010 in 14 the prohibitory amendment cases s 24 kansas 09 mr justice brewer who thereafter served with distinction as a membre 11 of the supreme court of the united 4 state states brushed bru sied aside all lies flea and discussed the questions ar 11 a I 1 c caca forceful word words maintaining S 4 that a proposition to amend abo th a con 9 1 l uti lution is a civil proceeding edne ln which those omissions and ano errors error which work no wrong to sub stanta rights are to be disregarded 4 u |