Show WIILIAM WILLIAM BOWNS i Alao announcement was made Sa thai that VV J down for or the past years jears master mechanic at gate had been named of that camp to succeed littlejohn who had been promoted the position ot of general superintendent mr downs bowns baa has been with the fuel company 16 15 ears nearly all of that time at castle gat 0 ile ie has his been through most of the stages of the mining came game and la in a man in wham his superiors have implicit confidence and who ia Is trusted and loved by hie his fellow follow workmen it was also stated that emil ostlund has been named superintendent nt rit clear creek F V C hennes has boa been ss ti effal reveral weeks and will not be returned to clear creek W N for many yeara years superintend ten dent at accepted a position Posit ionIn in the east and anti ill III leave june 16 15 lie ile hns tins been a bic big fa factor actor in developing the Sunny bide vance p and in the utah coal horld and his beaving h deeply regretted bj by both officials official and men ilia ills posit tot is in t tan wn with exceptional for the and this was a point in the move the position is that of ident dent of large pro properties ertley and is a much bleeker b one 1 tl fin that he held h bre re ills friends rejoice that the opportunity has come comets te him county coma neds no eulogy as he Is well known all over the county as a ran tan of stability and ability utah mine which he as u leased eased for two years wal be eloped closed for the present prea ent |