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Show A Cu va-i-ty of laces, white and Muck, at the Clrk'.Ku Siore. The Manti wed & t i-.a has handled 1,500,000 lbs. of wool xhU y?-ir. Thanksgiving day was j;irt;y ob s'-rved in Manii. Thern w.-r 1 T )unks-. jjiviii .service in all tho churches, and a celebration Ly the school children id the cfteraoon . Air. Btcfcley mill IHki Mdiuda Griffin 0' Beaver, weie in this city last week I raging ard amoiin:? ai-vo.-t to a scourge H e sincerely l;p th: 1 ; tUe caw Look out for .i h.orui. Mr. Sam Runnel, of i'rovo, is in this ciiy visiting friends. A plank side walk lias been put down In front of the hank. The last issne of the j aver Utoiiian was piinted 0.1 v. i -ipping pajer. "Modern vVoudera" at Gttet" Ilali v;;;:r-g friends. Tho lady came up iiQ.-i.i,; L-.-r h-..; -.'u which at present i.. r.vi t.'iy a'.ioi, might be improved.' Mf. M..-ou, i t:)isentin; the American tobacco Co., of Sis Yor.r, was in this ciiy lli:d,;y advertising and hustling trauj for lis ilea he represents. He M; ou tlis af;.-rj.iva train for Saliua. It wm o c.-;l F.id.ty night that the w.'.ter p;pe in CAi i nice was frozen up, ani as a result we were compeled to wash in ditch witer and drink beer at a ''bit" a gl.-.sj. We think this is hard on us. It is reported that lead is rising in price in the Eastern markets and the miners are feeling jubilant, believing that a good season is about to open up for them. An interesting meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held on the evening of Nov, 22:1(5, The next regular meeting will be held in the Ladies' hail next Tuesday evening to which ait are invited. Some people "know not their true worth. And some people who have good voices do not use them properly. If the young man jvifjo was hooting on our streets Monday evening would hire ont as a f'ig horn his fortune would be made. The Central Utah Press, published at Saiiua, has jusi entered tha second year of its existence. The Fress is a good paper and we ar5 glad to hear that the people of Sevier county appreciate this fact, and we wish it every success. Long live the Prefs Lonis Jacobs of Jacobs & Kramer, returned re-turned from Salt Lake Monday. , While in the capital he produced a variety of LOGAL BRIFS. $end in your inscriptions, fend it in today; That we may have $ jiuo I t's To cheer u$ on the way, City Council Monday night. "It never came back" our umbrella.' Frank J. Cannon is back ou the Standard again. Go to Cahoons for all kinds of household house-hold goods. Mr. Ward Stevenson who is at present In Provo is expected here today. Ladies' Cashmere, fUuuel and siik waists at the Chieagj Store. The Salt Lake Times has gone to that camp from which newspapers returneth not. Most cities of over three thousand population have a fire department. W ny not Manti? Tha wool buyers passed through ou the train on Tuesday their labors for the year being finished. Mr. Scott of Salina has gone to Franklin Frank-lin Idaho to take charge of a flouring mill there. There will be a conjoint session of the X. L. M. I. A. iu the tabernacle Tuesday next. The Asphaltnm miils in Thistle canyon are being loaded ou the cars and shipped to Salt Lake city. That free trade brings down the price of furniture is proven by the great redaction re-daction of prices at Cahoon's. Friday and Saturday nights. Marshal Pirsoas -fepped oat and Marshal Benton reigns iu his stead. Joe Taylor weiit to Salt Lake on business Monday, and came back today. Joseph Dorios and C. V. Peterson of Kphraim are visitors to Zion this Week, A large aud splendid line of holiday goods, at the lowest pro.-: s. The Backet, Sentinel Block. J. C. Cahoon went to Salt Lake this morning. He expects to be gone several sev-eral days. Mrs. Reece, the well-known temperance temper-ance advocate, will speak a', the tabernacle taber-nacle Sunday evening. Children's heavy shoe-", sizes from 12 to 2 at Too per pair, Boy's waists from 25 to 45 cents each at the Chicago Store. Mr. Greenwald of Salt Lake, representing represen-ting the Standard Distillery Co., of Kentucky, was in this eiiy Wednesday. Buttons, Bcttoxs, ni'i'TOXS, stand covers; rugs, beads, etc. Bed ticking at 10,1, per yard at t ie Chicago Store. For, Sale. Five acres of laud with water right, and tvo room adobe house. For further information apply to W. il. Kearns, Gunnison, Utah. Men's nnderwe'tr, p'ioos and Lata, boy's suits and pvatJ, ail kinds of ladies' wraps, at the Chicago Store. JI. K. Taylor, of the Chicago Store, who has been in New York end Chicago purchasing geods lefunied home Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Tho Racket is the cheapest place in Sanpete to buy anything in the clothing cloth-ing line. Ladies' aud Misses' Cloaks from $1.00 un. The otEeial ret'irns of the territory show the entire vote polled to be 34,605 of which Rawlins received 15,211, Cannon, Can-non, 12,405 and Allen 6.9S9, Rawlins plurality, 2,811. Tho Provo City Council had a lively meeting a few nights ago, and it is probable that the Enquirer will have several snits on hand for calling some the members thieves. Ladies' and gentlemen's solid gold and filled watch cases with works to suit purchase chains, charms, rings, ear-rings, breastpins, aud cuff buttons at the Chicago Store. Salt Lake city sidewalks are in a bad condition, the pdveSusnt being Ukru np iu pjauy places. The-street ear lines on First South are being lowered to the grade, and dirt is heaped up all along the line. Dr. Park was in this city Wednesday in the interest of the World's Fair. He addeessed the teachers at their meeting in the evening, aud considerable interest inter-est was awakened. Bishop Xeils Christeusou and wife, of Sterling, who have beeu very ill for some time, were reported as being very low last night and that but faint hopes were entertained of their recovery. The loss of their infant daughter has made matters worse for the parents. Every citizen should be loyal to the institutions of his town. Ogden is now entering, we believe, nnon an era of great prosperity. To make that prosperity pros-perity of any avail, tho local papers must be supported. Standard. The attention of the public is directed di-rected to the "ad" of The Racket, which appears in this issue. The proprietors although new comers are rapidly becoming be-coming known as honest and upright business men, and are endearing them selves to the public on account of the excellent quality 01 their goods and the-low the-low prices at which they are sold. A very enjoyable time was had last It is now certain that the Southern Pacific shop, located at Carliu, Nevada, will be moved to Ogden, Utah. There will be a grand opening ball t Tattle's hall to-morrow night. Let aLlittend. Mr. Goldsmith representing a well known liquor house was in this city Friday and Saturday last. "Where did you buy your furniiure?" "At Cahoou'e. cheapest place in town to get furniture, carpets, stoves, etc." Mr. Goddard.for some time connected with the Ephraim Enterprise is thinking think-ing of purchasing the Paytoi Chronicle Cards are ont announcing the wedding wed-ding of E. A. Gregory, of tho Reporter -.- " and Miss Anai Speirs, of Salt Like city Vanderbuilts summer residence at Newport, R. I., was destioyed by fire Saturday. Loss about $500,000. S. P. Liddle, representing the King Mercantile Co., was in this city Monday, Mon-day, He left in the afternoon for Salina. N. H. Felt returned home from Salt 'Tuesday. The storm at Salt Lake ou Thanksgiving day was a teiror, fays I H. D. Lichenstein, traveling merchant was in this city last week, on his way south. He carries clothing, undervear , tc. Something that has long been needs 1 In Manti a night school will soon open with A. C. Nelson and Ezra Chris Hansen as instructors. "ow that the winter season is upon us enr pnrses, and perhaps our hearts are made light by investing in a new over-eoat. over-eoat. The civil government class which was organized two weeks ago is making mak-ing fine progress. We hope it will so continue. There are thirteen cases of diphtheria In lit Pleasant, aud all the schools are closed and public meetings discontinued In consequence. articles to add to the already large stock of the firm of which he is a member. The Ephraim Enterprise is again under un-der the management of F. M. Murry & Co. Mr. Ward Stevenson has retired but will be heard of soon i 1 another and more important journalistic venture, Mr. Luther Stringham will leave for the sheep heard on the western range some time next week. He expects to be gone the greater part of thewintr. 'Luttie" will be greatly missed by his associates during his absence,- JoH'ph Hall who ha9 been over in (,'a-tie vat ley for several weeks returned home Saturday last. He reports having had a tough time of it coming through Salina ennyon. the storm having made tiie road verv slippery. He expects to go I-i d; iy a f-w days. The Salt Lake Timoj has suspended puldicatio,:. The cause is easily told. The tif Id was covered by other papers, aud ever since its first inception it has been sinking money. It is doubtful if it will ever commence publication again. W H. Woodring of Mt. Pleasant wa8 in tiiis city Saturday. He drove from Richfield Thanksgiving day and reports the roads in a rather tough condition, owiuif to the recent storm. He left Saturday evening for his home, Mt. Pleas mt. A lare crowd assembled Iu front of the tabernacle square Tuesday noon to witness a foe: race. Tho contestants were Charles Yh!:!ock, of Majfield and Charles Riddle of this city. The race was for JiO a side, and the distance 75 yards. Whitlnc gave Riddle twenty feet at the start and won by two feet at tho outcome. Time not given. Despite the snow and wind there was a good congregation in attendance at Thanksgiving services in the Presbyterian Presbyter-ian church last Thursday. The paster preached from first Timothy sixth chap, sixth verje. "But godliness with contentment con-tentment is great gain." Only charac. ter is a progressive and permanent gain. Not goods, but true goodness can be counted great gain. night at the Temple Hotel the occasion being the reception iu honor of the wedding of Emma aud El za Metcalf, and John H., and Waiter Stringham. About six o'clock, the gu.?3ts iegan to arrive and a steady stream was kepi up till about 9:30, there being about 200 guests present. Two largo tables heavily laden with good things, was a very interesting display. The supper was one of ths best ever partaken of in Manti, and the guests did ample justice to the same. Tho presents were nam eroas and costly, and many were the cheerful greetings beitowed upon the happy quartette. The Reporter joins their many friends, in wishing each happy couple a pleasant and joyou voyage o'er the sea of matrimony, May clouds never darken, or storms disturb the joyous tranquility of their wedded lives. The weather for the past few days has been rather unsettled. The sun appears ap-pears to be a sort of "now you see it, and now yon don't" arrangement. Mr.Nephi Johnson, who has been suffering suf-fering for some time with a partly ulcerated ul-cerated jaw bone is coming along nicely and is around attending to bis nsnal duties. The Spanish Fork Index has departed np Salt river, and its editor, James T. Jakemau is in durance vile. And thus endeth the life of one newspaper (?). All those wishing to attend night school will please meat at the city hall Saturday evening Dee. 3rd at 7 p. m. A. C. Nelson. Ezra Christiansen- B. F. Luke and John L. Bench two of onr young men who are teaching school In Falrvlew, were in this city Saturday visiting relatives and friends. They returned to their field of labor Sunday The dance at Grier's hell last Friday Fri-day was a social and financial success. A large crowd was present and all enjoyed en-joyed themselves immensely, although the floor was a little "bad." Jamos McFadden one of tbe pioneer miners of the western county died at Pioche Nev., last Tuesday, a broken blood vessel was tne cause of death. He was fifty-five years old. Last Monday a train load of live stock two car loads being hogs, passed through here. They were shipped by Mr Knighton of Salina and their destination desti-nation was tbe Utah Slaughtering Co, of Salt Lake, Fort Sale: A forty acre farm, clear title, all fenced, good water right, located in tha Gunnison Held. Also two city lots, adjoining each other, a large five room house, barn, granary, and a firs. -class well ou premises. Situated two blocks east of county road Gunnison Gunni-son Sanpet9 County, The above to be purchased together or separately. Adjress, Anthony Madsen, N. 21 3 m Gunnison, Utah- ft e thankfully acknowledge the re ceipt of a neat illustrated pamphlet issued by the Rio Grande Western, descriptive de-scriptive of route bs-tween Denver and Ogden. It gives the population and elevation of the various cities and towns through which the road passes, and other valuable information. It should be in the hands of every traveller. Ct pies may be had by applying to J. H. Beunet, Salt Lake City. Mr. Walter Stringham, Sr., who bas been working at Mt. Pleasant for three weeks past, returned home Saturday. He says a number of line buildings have been erected in that city during the past summer, mostly residences. In speaking of the diphtheria scare at Mt. Pleasant he said he considered it a hoax; that there were a number of persons suffering with sore throat, and bnt few who were actually attacked by the dread diphtheria. Flags were ordered up, upon the slightest smytoms of a cold, and he considered accounts of the same to be greatly exaggerated. We were greatly pleased to hear this and glad that onr sister city is not as badly alhicted as we had feared. The Pyramid, Pyra-mid, however, says that the disease is |