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Show NOTICE. In the Probata Conrt in and for the Sanpete county, Uiah territory. In the matter cf the estate of Francis M. Jol-ley, Jol-ley, deceased. Order on bearing final account and asking for Decree of Distribution. Od reading and filing the petitien of Luther T - Tuttle, admlstrator of tht- estate of Francis M Joliey, decea-ed, asking for an allowance of hlBfinal accoanf and for a decree of distribution distri-bution of the estatetof ueceaaed, among the rrsons entitled thereto. IT IS ORDERED that all persons inters ested in the estate of the said Francis M Jolley, deceased, be and appear before the Probate Court of the county of Sanpete Territory Terri-tory of Utah, at the Court fioom of aid Court, in Manti city, on Monday, the 2t5thday of December, A D. at 11 o.clock. A M, then and tn. re to show cause why n orcter allowing aid 6nal account and distribution snould not be made, of the residue of said estate among the heirs of the said deceased. And it Is hereby fnrtner ordered, that a copy of this order be puoliahed for three successive suc-cessive weeks befre the said -J6tb day of Dec-emder,l892, Dec-emder,l892, in the keforter, a newspaper printed and published in Manti city, .Sanpete county, Utah Ten-bury; and thatnociceS be posted accord. ng inlaw Jacob Johnson, Probata Judge . Dared November I9th, Territory uf Ctaa ) Sss Sanpete County. ) I, John Rid Clerk of the Probate Court in nd i.r Sanpete county, Utah territory, hereby certi y tttt me foreoin is a full, true Dd cor:vtt copy ..f ue "ordtr ou bearinK fin '1 ! ace-mint, ami asking for Decree of Di-tributiotT' in the mutter of the estate ol Francis M. Jolley, U- c.-tsed. Witness my hand and official seal this 29th flay of -November, Ifttt. seal Prouate clerk. D 1 4 t |