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Show WM. M. ROYLANCE & CO. WHOLESALE FruitSjProduceEggSjPo-alry & Grain Cash Paid For Egs Poultry and Crain. WRITE US FOR PRICES SPRINGVILLE, - - - UTAH. IMPORTANT When in the Ciiy take your meals at Popular iFLestaurants. THE Saddlerock, No. 219, AND - Arcade No. 217 Main St. JBcrets oan & Co., props. SALT LAKE CITY, - - - - - UTAH. The Gfcajj plumbing jupphj Co., Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers in Plambing, Gas Fitting, and Steam Goods. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO IRON & SEWER PIPE. 164 WEST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. H. C. JAMES. MANAGER. HOWE & TAFT, WHOLESALE GROCERS. PROMPT SfllPMEXlS OF ALL 2S CENTRE STREET, - PROVO CITT UTAH.. i860. ESTABLISHED ' I860. Music P&lae. ! Sole Agents for the WORLD RENOWNED AND THE UNEQUALED otow &t o.xvv". cvcA V.W.; g xji Looking for the jj People's Equitable Co-op Assn. g (next to Zion's Savings Bank) & THAT'S THE PLAGE TO BUY a J Clothing, Mens', Ladies I & Childrens Shoes crj ' 1 ' " ."S . Comptete Assortment of k DY 600D, I0TI0Ig i Do not fail to visit.them when in Salt Lake City. Their priced p Jh are aways down. Prices turnished on application. o H. J. Foulger, Supt. w We carry everythino; necessary for the condaciing of a FIRST CLASS MUSIC BUSINESS. Guarantee All Goods, and Befjr Competition In QAtlTY" and PRICES. JSTSEN'D FOR CATALOGUES. 45 and 47 W- First South Street, - SJLT LAKE CITY- PAINE & LYNE, Dealers ta wool, saiiiDES, Anil i i-ivers' Srpliesi. AGENTS FOR HAZARD POWDER AND CQER SHEEP DIP, And all other Sheep Dipping Material. 151 FIRST EAST STREET (State Road), SALT LAKE CITY. OLVO. Armstrongs Leading Wholesale T0Dber of SeedsrHay7SrarnrFloTirFee(i7 472, 1 W, SKO 537,8 STREET, SALT USE C1H, UTAH, Storage for the ascQs'.imodation of Farmers, telephone no. IT PAYS CiXoae, feoe Tvm "Bxxvevs 3-obn Scrowcroft & Sons. GeGi-XDIUrsr, - - UTAH. The only EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE House in Utah Handling both Dry Goods, Notions and Grocercies WBITE ITOR PBIGES. John Hanry Sb,Wk?v .st7 Abraham H. Cannon, Vice-Prest.- THE CO-OP TOTITimE CO, No 11 & 13 Main St. north of Z. C. M. I. Salt Lake. $mW GT. 1 TO TIE 15, - We will offer 'Gai:pct6, furniture &c At s pecial low prices. Couferance visitors nre invited to examine our goods aud prices before buying. 1X1. m. tUUliams, Supt. HORSLEY &. CO Mana'aQtucers of We make the best QUALITY of Brick south of Provo an v prepared to lill Orders at any time and awj quantity Dudng theSeaso,, Orders Received a t Kiln. Three miles south of Manti on ecp nty roa(J ' ' STIFIGIAI UMBS JGraccs for Bcfotmitics, Elastic Stocftings, Cruoses, Etc. SKKD FOR CIRCULAR. 66 Main St., Salt Lake City. At the mouth of six mile Canyon. Zbz Onle TRcsott in Central TJtab Where the people can participate in the grand sport and pleasures BOATING, BATHING, FISHING and DANCING, Base Ball Grounds! Race Track! ffitsb Class fljotcl Bcccmmo5atton3. Special Rates io Camping partes, J. Fielding will run a conveyance t oand from the lake. KING M E Rf J AN Tit EC07 WHOLESALE GROCERS MANTJFACTFiERS of COTFECTIONER'. Mail Ord ers a Specialty. The Largest Wholesale House in Candies and Nuts in Uah QGMN CIX1T, - . . UT&H Probate Attorney-arid Attorney-arid Land Agent. AIM. kinds of probate business prompt- ly attended to. titles secured to land under un-der the various entries. Office in court house. |