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Show A Knockout Blow. lie criticised her puddings and b8 foufd fault with her cake. He wished she'd make sueh buscu.it as his mother used to make; She didL't wash the dishes, and she, didn't make a stew, Nor evea-moud his stockings, as his mother used to do. His mother had six children, but by night her work was done; His wife seemed drudging always, yet she only had the one. Hia inn!f,pr hIwavd was w-ll dressed, his wife would be so, too, If ouly die wonld manage as his mother used to do. Ah, well! She was.not perfect, though she tried to do her best, Dntil at length she thought her time had come to have a rest; So when one day he went the same eld , rigmarole all through, 'She turned and boxed his ears just as his mother used to do. New York Evening Sun. |