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Show Kairview Notes. Fairview, Nov. 26, 1892. No schools oa Thanksgiving Day. Wasn't that turkey tongh? Mi.-s Maggie Lewis, one of our teachers, teach-ers, preut Thanksgiving day in Provo, with her relatives and friends in that eity. She is expected back to-morrow. Christian Cruser, one of Fairview's much respected citizens passed to the "great beyond" November 20th. Brother Cruser has been suffering for some time but a few days before his death it was thought he wa9 making rapid improvement. improve-ment. The change for the worse was rapid and fatal. Brother Crnser will he greatly missed, not only by the bo-reaved's bo-reaved's wife and family, he has left, bnt by the community in general. Al his death hejheld several leading positions posi-tions in the church, one of which was president of the Y. II. M. I. A., which office ho has filled with great satisfaction satisfac-tion and credit. ' Thanksgiving night Miss Beck, one of our teachers was treated to ajgeuuiue and pleasant surprise. She went visiting vis-iting in the morning and was prevailed upon to eta all day. . Daring her absence ab-sence the promoters of tho pleasant affair prepared to her abode and got everything in readiness. In the evening even-ing she was sent for and jodge of her surprise upon entering the room to And it flhed with a merry throng of yonng people. She was greatly and agreeably surprised and so expressed herself. The evening was spent in partaking of the good things to eat, singing music, dialing, dial-ing, etc., ami a good time was had till niuo o'clock, p. m., when the party broke np. All in attendance expressed themelves as having had a "delightful time." Too mnch credit cannot be given to the promoters of the undertaking under-taking for the very successful way in which it was carried out. |