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Show INTERESTING OPERATIONS. Featg ol Se.rgory Tlist Amount Almost to :,li.-.:eli-s. Of the many results of the rapid strides v hii-h s.ience has made is the renuir':; ' :e skill which medical ,nen have bi-.c-ght to hear upon diilicuk and danger y..o surgical operations., it was not many veers ago when it w a : thought improper to attempt operations opera-tions upon the human body, but the steady onward march of human progress prog-ress has given surgeons such a knowledge knowl-edge oi the human anatomy that they are now enabled to perform feats which lormerly would have been credited credi-ted to witchcraft and the black art, says the New York Herald. At the annual meeting of the Welsh branch of the British Medical association associa-tion Dr. Damar Harrison gave an account ac-count of an operation he had performed upon a boy, which he claimed to be unique. The boy had the misfortune to cut his wrist with plate-glass, which caused him to lose all sense of feeling in the hand and was followed by complete com-plete paralysis. The lad's wrist w-as laid open and it was found that a portion por-tion of the nerve about two inches in length was entirely destroyed. A young eat was obtained and chloroformed chloro-formed and inmcdiately after death the surgeon cut a nerve out of the hind leg. The nerve was then wrapped in a cloth soaked in warm carbolic lotion aud afterward af-terward connected with what remained of Cue boy's nerve. The result was most gratifying. Sensation returned and the boy was cured. An equally interesting and successful success-ful operation was performed upon a boy who had swallowed a tish-liook. He tried to release it by pulling upon the line, but it had become firmly attached at-tached in the lower and back part of the throat. A mcdi al man was called in and ho procure .1 a pi ..col bullet and bored a hole tr;v, -j .-'i 1,. It was then allowed t J slide d v..n wc the line to the hook. The uvi;;-.t of the bullet dislogcd the hoi,'.;, w hich, sticking in the lead and being protected by it, was safely removed. |