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Show Dr. SYDNEY RINCER, Professor of Medicine a University College, London, Author of the Standard ' Handbook cf Therapeutics," actually writes as follows: "1'rom the rar.-ful analyses of l'n.f. Attfiki.d and others, I am satisfied that VAtJ HOUTEN'3 COCOA Is In no way injurious t- h aiMi. nn.l that it is doci1"dly more nutritious than other Cocoas. It is wttaitily "I'uiV and highly digestible. Tho quotations in er-tain er-tain advertisements (from Trade rivals) from my ttook on Therapeutics are quite misleading, and cannot possibly anjily 1 1 Van IIouten's Cocoa." The fatee rt rtfrtioii on Van Houtkn's Cooot is thus effectually repelled, and (tie very authority citt-d So jtpure it, is therrhy prompted to give it a very handsome testimonial B " Wm. H King. b. D. Houtz. KING & HOUTZ, . Httorne3atXaw. Rooms C & 7 First NstT Bank Buildirg PROYOCITY, - UTAH. HttornessatXav. Lock Box 336. PROVO, CUT, - - TTAII. A. D. GASH, attornesataw. Room 15 Bank Building, TROVO, CITY, UTAH. S. K. KING LAWYER. O fflce in Nation.l Bank of oommerce BluiiTg PROVO. - - UTAH . THE MANTI GROCERYy CARRIES A FULL LINE OF MMMl --AND Ht-adquarters For Utah - and California . gflgf. Ear.y Grown M&l Fruits and Vegetables (jsg Free Delivery to any Part of the City. Sentinel ' Block, IVianti, - - Utah. S. K.Thurman, Geo. Sutherland. J-HURMAN & SUTHERLAND, attorney satXaw. Rooms 1 anfl 3 First National Bank Building PROVO. - - " UTAH. g J. KROUPA, finaglctical Cbcmtst an& Bssascr, Laboratorv No. 33 North J street. Price List and Sample Sacks mailed on ap plication. Opposite Eldredae Block. 1. O. Box 105. PROVO, - UTAH C. S. WILKSE, Office in U, S. Land Office Building. ' Xanb Hoent anb Httorne. Land Agents - and Attorneys. SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH Hi s. v ..-ui Ji egggi mam .. i... iOOJK OUT! FOR OUR Sljsi I.I I Hi 11 aO TUTT1E & 00. Z. C. Bailey LAND ATTORNEY. Office next door to U. S. Land Office, Salt Lake City. Obtains pattents tor Agricultural, Deseret and Mineral Lands Correspondence solicited and information in-formation given. MANTI CITY Capital Stock - 50,000 Sua plus - - f 10.000 DIRECTORS L. T. Tuttle, President. H. J. Christensen, Vice-Prest. Albeut Tuttle, Cashier, i P&ter Dyef.ns Asst Cannier J. B. Maiben, -James Crawford Jr., Ym. G. Crawford, Jas. Metealf. Transacts a 'General Bukiaj mmx Receives deposits payable on demand -Jr- Five per cent paid on saving deposits. Fireproof Vault. Safe Absolutely Burglar ' Proof, Money to loan on Real Kslate, City and Farm Property and othsr approved Mcuriiy. TBE EC FWNJTUrlE & OABPET CO.- 234 STATE STEEET, SALT LAKE CITY. Owing to the enourmens increase in our trade we find oar present quarters inadequate to accommc-date accommc-date oar business, we have closed tbe contract for the erection of A Mammoth Building1, 110x163 feet in ilze, which we intend to occupy in 90 days. Our $100,000 Stock Consisting of Furniture, Carpets, Queensware, 88P8oqc i Curtains, Stoves, I gggggx I Ranges, Hardware, ' Etc. Must be sold at once REGARDLESS OF COST; We don't Intend to move a Dollar's worth of onr present Stock into our new Builcing. HOUSEKEEPtRSi LOOK up these bargains at once When you cou;e to Salt Lake Cily FREED FURNITURE & CARPET CO- ; v 1 .' ' 11 in nf' ;"jii c ."'. Jnst received at the cheap cash stort p posite tabernacle. Childrens and men's underwire and overshirls, ah men's and boy's gloves at bed rock prices. f PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY. I C J"o ill linlion from business. AVe refer you to V . SOO patients in the State of Colorado and six Ka- ' i 1. Ln) tional Huiks in Denver, also JlcCornlck St Co., V. - . Bunkers, Salt Lake. X j"" Investigate our method. Written guarantee to abso- V s .. lutelv cure all kind's of RUPTUKK of both sexes, with- - ) out the nee of KNIFE OK SYKiNGE, no matter of how I ; long standing. . f EXAMINATION FREE. Svx S THE 0. E. MILLER COMPANY, s" Rooms 201. 20-2 and 203 Constitution Block, Bait Lake N NX . ', ity. Ollice Hours, 9 to 12 u. m 2 to 5 p. m. x ' y , . Take Elevator. SEND FOB CIECCLAE A Cloudy Joke. "What la a weather report?" os-ked a small boy who was reading the papers. "I don't know precisely, but I oppose op-pose thunder is imc kind of a weather report," responded the parent. Texas Stft.ir.ira- |