Show t geaga bear river mutual fire obear insurance compary wt WK insure all kinds of property hute have one rate to all and all one rate if you want to save money examine our cur rates before you insure elsewhere and be convinced WARREN W PORTER agent job printing Prin tind at the news HERES THAT FAMOUS I 1 i WOLVERINE IRINE W WORK ORK SHOO SHOE M aa ME g W nr W RIP 49 1 1 Z 01 4 11 mor p Z OUR 1 40 va it wears a d tousand miles stays soft and I 1 scuff proof probably rend read the face the ilia uppers are am also advertisements about these proof and stand up longer against famous wolverine work shoes in acids than any work shoo shoe we your favorite farm magazine now know last and ec equally lually important weve secured a stock of wolverines rines wolverines rines are made of shell in all ankle lengths to knee cordovan horsehide a leather highs and we e invite every work that outwears out wears any other work shoo boe shoe oboe wearer to come in and see leather the perfect work shoo shoe he be under no obligation weve investigated and tested if you wish to drop in and examine this line and every word they amine a pair and once you try my y about wolverines rines is i true they wolverines rines never switch to do dry soft after soaking and slay any other erode crade of work shoo shoe toft sort despite despi ite all weather conditi conditions ons ab the uppers are almost impossible to 10 rip and tear for the 4 ply WO ii 18 dewed WA deep into the WOK SHOES WORK CLOVES va E GIVE 1611 GREEN stafa PS I 1 T I 1 ar SONS S C MOP MORGAN 0 AN UT UTAH ali charter no reserve district no 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE first national bank of morgan in tile the state of utah at the close of business on oil december 0 31 11 1929 RESOURCES loans and discounts 66 overdrafts united states government securities owned other bonds stocks and securities owned banking house furniture and fixtures real estate owned other than banking house reserve with federal reserve bank r cash and due from banks redemption fund with U S treasurer and due due from U S treasurer 1 other assets z I 1 TOTAL liabilities capital stock paid in 1 surplus J undivided profits net reserves for interest taxes and other expenses accrued and unpaid circulating notes outstanding due to banks including certified and cashiers checks outstanding demand deposits time deposits 1 TOTAL 7 state of utah county of morgan nsf I 1 B W heiner cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true trite to the best of my knowledge and belief 13 W HEINER cashier correct attest J WILLIAMS JR A W FRANCIS FRANK F ULRICH directors subscribed and sworn to before me this ath day of january 1930 SEAL WARREN W PORTER notary public my commission expires april 30 1933 morgan utah ell L bossu cal ti U m N NM iOUS u 1 l auh 0 d tw a shel D a U W wall a in u S 1 aniag UW wall KS IV gau twi Atwal 1 hall ardry IWA tb hey desm le VIA it u h ed au alp ot rc r hoai rz tra 1 fc it d by the M c e L klo 12 1 1 dad k wa aber T tho bat the th e bm t MA fw OCA trat imin by bl SU U TW soon at W qua 00 VT 10 va ut lema T bu gc d low lab due lw be I 1 I 1 buc ta r beora 1 I p wd ava 10 U jedd bilt wit V bestedt 0 IF i m 31 VAZ aw oufa 1 tt ate u 10 ov arra C to IWO rue tr nc CA tawn 16 it dimart ciatu ss caum caule no V amz it room oil out tili til i U I 1 D 8 SP ma k iliac it every cg vc arial t i 11 COPY of one of rt 4 sons roni faa lil A binl u ind i rw 1 j t low I 1 wt C 01 a iljin i aj ij agn y PINGREE ANDERSON a 0 y r vl PAW TO tot t t e manufacturers Manufacture rg ot of and act li morgan forgan utah W I 1 YA tr ar A our flour is made A 1 lur in from T selected meat riz PR every macli buyan V 5 ENT tre appet 4 e As bood as I 1 any on the 11 market larket farmers we will pay I 1 10 Us NER FULD cash for your wheat i C L off T parley bey tin gal pl ga an ter FARM B BUREAU UTAH STATE auto insurance W the state fm W A LEGAL RESERVE LIABILITY property ra FIBS 11 TUC COMPLETE F protects ll 11 D wa ANDERSON aloyts ville 4 41 E MILLS ell NOW the news wants your |