Show ZERO WEATHER HAS NO TERRORS FOR GAS COMPANY more men more dynamite more machines and more power is the answer that the wasatch gas company makes to obstacles and difficulties in the construction of their ines into morgan to serve the homes and factories of this community the force of men now employed here on the line looks like an army as one drives from one end of the construction to the other the introduction of natural gas in Mor morgan garl ogden and other communities muni ties is an epochal event it is a factor in the growth and prosperity r of these communities as well as a far reaching contribution to the convenience and comfort of users natural gas engineers will gladly survey your premises and supply without obligation on your part detailed information on both the installation stal lation and operation cost of natural gas service for your home to celebrate the arrival of natural gas here the company is offering attractive introductory specials for a limited time A cordial invitation is extended to you to visit the display offices in morgan and s see ee the interesting exhibit of modern automatic natural gas appliances and house heating equip equipment mont A competent engineer will be available at all times to welcome you read their big ad in this issue of the morgan county news |