Show mis V i erett spent monday and an tuesday in salt lake city mr air and mrs jess robinson of devils slide are ara visiting at the B Y robinson home boulan heiner of salt lake city spent tuesday at the home of mr and mrs austin geary miss grace wright of park city spent the week end with her mother mrs clara wright mr and mrs H V gunn spent friday in park ark city with mr and mrs calvin christensen Chrls mrs ellie ellic easton of R vanston wyo visited monday with her father mr sam robinson miss helen roberts left sunday for berkeley california where she will continue her studies miss joy wilde of cumberland wyo spent new years with her sister mrs airs elwood huffman mr and mrs irvin farrell of salt lake city spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs aecil conquist BI on quist STRAYED black and white holstein cow and calf branded quarter circle 3 bert randall coald coalville Co alville lie ftp tp miss leah wright and miss dorothy bedell left sunday S for ephraim where they will continue their studies at snow college miss maxine boyden who has been home ill for some time returned to salt lake city sunday where she will continue her studies at the U of U miss blanche robinson harvey dunn louis olsen and bryan wilde attended a utah power and light company meeting in park city this monday L al crittenden of kamas was a visitor in coalville Co alville saturday aej he attended the farm bureau meeting and took out a years subscription to the bee mr wilmar evans of los angeles and L IVL evans bvans of salt lake visited d with their sister mrs 3 L boyden and family last week end mrs boyden returned to salt lake with them hem george W wilde mr and mrs bert wude wilde sylvester wilde mr and mrs gilbert wilde and family all of oakley were county seat visitors saturday and attended the farm bureau meeting mr and mrs C H crittenden of hoytsville inform the bee that they received pretty little cards the first of this week announcing the birth of twin daughters to their daughter mrs chas E peterson the little misses arriving at the L D S hospital in salt lake last saturday january ath 1930 all concerned doing nicely tills this paper in behalf of the many summit and morgan county friends extend congratulations through some oversight miss lois gibbons name was not mentioned in the N S opera write up that appeared in the bee dee dec miss gibbons above all others mentioned should have received praise for her role as miss cherry blossom she was outstanding in her part through the tha entire operetta and as it was her first attempt at taking any kind of 9 a part on the stage she should be doubly comp limen lamented ted on oil the very fine way she portrayed the character of miss cherry blossom sum f 1 dance ad d a road ake city is ay y alt lake city wit with h mrs i judd of salt lake en n visiting friends and r in Co coalville alvIlle miss blanche robinson spent new years in park city with her sister mrs calvin christinsen mrs boyle of the hill hotel left this morning for an all extended visit with her parents in helena mont R E bailey and frank anderson of the utah power and light company of park city were business visit ors here tuesday an all eight pound baby girl arrived at the home of mr air and mrs earl salmon wednesday morning january ath all concerned doing nicely and earl is the happiest man in town north summits powerful champions turned back the grantsville Grants ville team here saturday night 37 to 15 black and dawson with their excellent rustling for the winners and hale mainstay of grantsville Grants ville were the stars of the game the first league game of basketball this season will be played on the local floor this friday evening between the park city miners and the north summit braves the game 13 billed for eidth sharp and the adamission add mission is 25 and 50 cents ile be sure and attend this game and do all you can to help our boys live up to their reputation morgan high goes to heber on the same evening for their first league game |