Show for economical af ll 11 na M I 1 R av ta him NEI e Is nn M E A today chevrolet presents the greatest which contribute to comfort performance rear axle fisher non glare windshield I 1 larger tires i chevrolet in chevrolet history firmance for mance ce endurance and safety a smoother faster better six with these are typical of the many an improved six cylinder valve in which make this beautiful new bodies by fisher improvements head motor with its capacity increased car the greatest chevrolet in chevrolet basically it is the same sturdy substantial to 50 horsepower f four our delco history siant ial six which won such tremendous lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers ab but most impressive of all from popularity in 1929 but it is fully enclosed internal expanding g the standpoint of the motor car ft greater car in every way for there weatherproof weather proof brakes a new dash buyer this smoother faster heavier and stronger better six is available are scores of vital improvements gasoline gauge j I 1 t a ut w t 4 grea ft fans ns aly if S a reduced princes djs appi IL ahto I 1 with the public no written description can do justice during 1929 more than a million three hundred thousand persons bought six cylinder chevrolets lets this to the extra value and quality provided in this new enormous volume has made possible many savings in car visit your chevrolet dealer see this car check the chevrolet factories and in keeping with its long its new features ride in it and judge for yourself established policy chevrolet is sharing these savings the sensational value it represents ta av t the COUPE the ROADSTER 4 the SPORT ROADSTER the SPORT COUPE the CLUB SEDAN the PHAETON the SEDAN the COACH the SEDAN DELIVERY the UTON U 11 TON CHASSIS the LIGHT DELIVERY CHASSIS the liton li 11 TON CHASSIS WITH CAB all prices 0 b factory flint michigan 0 CHEVROLET vim ET COO CO MORGAN at UTAH TH T H E P 0 U K R SIX I 1 X R I 1 C E R KANCE KAN A N CE G E OF 0 IF |