Show ie IWO 2 jr 0 ro OF THE F D OC ra AMOR VIP WHY YOU GET BEHIND AND PUSH mice still stick their heads into cheese chease traps flies files still swarm swam atop alop poisoned honey moths still fly into I 1 candle flame bumblebees still swarm to a buzzing jug sheep still follow the leader over a cliff a salmon i fish still swims up the river I 1 they never learn leam anything no matter how many examples how many experiences of their fellows they go on doing the same thing in the same way generation e ne ration after generation and die A town that learn leam and profit from the experience of other towns will go the same way as the mouse the fly the moth the bee arid and the poor fish because they do not learn from experience is sason for 91 towns in one state alone to pass out of ex istance in a ten year pe period an everage of one to a county for some states such towns are in a rut and the grave is the depth who know that to stand still Is getting nowhere in nature in business in every human endeavor to cease to grow is to perish one way or another bruce barton says when we I 1 quit changing we are through the change that will pay the greatest dividend to any community is for the citizens to quit think ing ng that their town Is something that hat will take rare care of itself or that the mayor the heads of the service clubs and other civic organizations will do whatever has to be done refusal Ilef on your part to think about your town refusal to change attitude from passive to active is COSTING you money you and a few others by changing positions from the front leaning backwoods back words to the one behind pushing forward will MAKE you money and make your community a better more interesting place in which t to 0 live work play and make money its a man to man proposition Is there any real reason why you get behind and push this town doctor article one 0 of f a series of 52 is published by the county news in cooperation with the morgan lions club copyright 1929 A D stone reproduction prohibited in whole or in part |