Show I 1 i t j parley brown who has been on a mission for the past two ot far ill ii the central central 11 battes tat tes returned home in tune to spend christmas with his parents and relatives monday evening den dec 30 a home welcome party narty was gl given n in the am hall in honor of elder eldar par ley brown in connection witti ciui a a town reunion k A splenda sp lendi was given given after which a plat q lunch was se served t to a about bo t 2 4 0 pe people 0 followed by s a dance everyone had an enjoyable evening mr james paterson Pa berson of greeley colo is visiting in ut at tho the home of ills his sister mrs R E red derk US his 0 first visit here in 25 years he will visit relatives in 00 alville War iship park city and salt L lake ke before returning frank albert and heber sargent went out on the winter range to take supplies to the men caring for the |