Show morgan social happenings conway morris of ogden was a business visitor in morgan thursday thurid ay mr and mrs jay J ay kingston ol of murray were visitors in morgan last week mrs dana T smith of jila arrived in morgan tuesday lor for a visit with her sister mrs D M anderson mrs myrtle egbert ol of layton spent part of last week visiting with her parents lr M r and mrs janies james J paterson there is always a good show at tile the clawson theatre it is comfortably heated and centrally located and well deserving of your patronage aar le valentino valentine parkinson the little daughter of mr and mrs fred L parkinson who was operated on during the week for appendicitis is im improving provin nicely E H anderson and son lloyd of long beach cal spent the past week visiting in morgan at the home of mr and mrs 0 S heiner lloyd is leaving on the of this month to fulfill a mission in sweden three one act plays will be presented by the M I 1 A at the morgan opera house monday jan 1 IS R mcqueen and R S hillier of the summit monumental works work s ci ol 01 I 1 hoytsville were looking after bustness business in morgan tuesday and paid this office a welcome call the new city council of morgan assumed the reins of government last monday and held their first business session that evening the new official family of morgan is composed of the following citizens H H crouch mayor thomas 0 harding robert J richards R L rich and george turner councilmen mrs grace graham recorder and albert C welch treasurer mrs george A taggart spent friday in ogden mrs theron taggart was an og I 1 dan visitor friday mr and mrs lee Pet peterson ersoll and daughter 0 elaine were ogden visitors friday johnny rosell play sat tile the morgan opera ilous houss jan lets dance there von tippetts left for salt lake sunday where he will attend school at the U of U otto pry fry and his sister grace of springville Spring 0 ville utah spent new years day in morgan E T waldron of garneld garfield spent sunday with his pare parents rits mr and mrs irs J T waldron miss leone ellis of provo spent jie die holiday week with her sister mrs delbert robison lester francis went to the dee hospital tuesday afternoon to be ba aerated aps pe rated on for appendicitis mrs B K farnsworth has been very cry ill during the past week but is s improving at this writing mr and mrs robert dikes of salt lake city spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs L S eddington coach knudsen of the N S H S braves was a spectator at the M H S bingham game saturday night H B crouch shows improvement during the past week which will be welcome news to his many friends in this county arid and elsewhere mr and mrs ralph miner and miss marle marie eddin eddinton eddington Z ton of salt lake spent sunday at the parental L S eddington home the thermometer registered 16 below in morgan last wednesday morning which is the coldest weather of the season thus far reported there is but little snow on the ground in fact the least for this season of the year recorded in many years john ray the infant son of mr and mrs J S olsen passed away monday evening after a brief illness of but a few hours services were held at the family residence wednesday afternoon the sympathy of the community is extended to this family in their hour of bereavement bere |