Show be he d 84 f U aw VAI 4 south Is A a J itta t qan an undesirable ciz ciu sa R QI bif kain stores our north M ik 1 colw vb N li states are far advance mik ato in this respect one r P 4 I 1 11 kaj f Ss is that in our 0 P IN M k ot ggs gs system chain of ig p stores no operator has 14 4 P 1 been 1 arrested for short Y e pk ahting or short chang 84 vand and there has never ill 1 said ati nineven th ti neven even an I 1 accusation of W fi on the part of dupla r system 1 Vy N system stem or an employed emp loye P A is a record to be proud int n I 1 F I 1 tiffand and we wish to assure gb pat roris that our high of jiaras edards of merchandise W ill continue cities 01 cc qung ang 0 P skaggs system iry kres need no radio dij teacup campaign our BLAIN I 1 apply of pure foods will hlll be pha id at low prices even lough bough nough every other chain SV H I 1 independent compe competitor the unfair practices F by the southern Iou thern da 0 speaker Z I 1 V r ST OR IS A surety of purity ip i R RENT wo two room furnished i and garage inquire mrs F es lap e american legion ladies aux alu hold a meeting next mon january the second and h mondays will be regular ing nights all mein members bers try come out e wilde who has been butcher it the summit for the past sev years resigned the first of the and J B carman Is now emed b rd in that capacity bear ear cold weather is being ex encee in this thi section as an af lath of sundays snow storm ranged between 20 24 degrees below monday tues bues and wednesday evenings ya wrence awrence wright had bad his right gilder ider dislocated by an unruly se yesterday afternoon at the mon on residence where he was emi ed d in the excavation work it Is aery ry painful hurt but he Is rented ted as resting easy at this time that he makes speedy y aver larold ra allen alien moved his family to alake city yesterday wl where here lie I 1 secured lucrative employment h the frigi dalre people of that 1 mr and mrs allen alien were very people of the coalville Co alville immunity unity in both church and I 1 circles and their removal from 1 f e community will be greatly re ted by everyone may good for he he follow them in their new home mit miti i lt i limm i assi rt il i M SAVE the calendar tells you its a new year let your bank book tell you that it will be a better year brighter hopes renewed ambitions larrier desires for your family and yourself all help to swell the chorus of new year cheer and to be realized all require baij 1 I ria now at the start ol of this new year open a savings account at this bank ahe first national bank THERE IS NO substitute FOR SAFETY COALVILLE summit county UTAH f opening of the new cafeteria of the north summit high school featured the annual parents visiting day friday about patrons were in attendance at the parent teach er meeting held at 1130 a in which was followed by the serving of the first meal in the new cafe terla teria at the parent teacher meet I 1 ing a nominating committee of two members from each town in the district with david sharp jr as chairman was appointed and will meet thursday jan 9 to complete arrangements range ments for the annual election of officers on Jan january ilary bennt mackl macki was seriously burned while working at the echo dam last thursday night jan 2 he was repairing one of the company truc trucks ks working underneath when gasoline began leaking from the and ignited from a miners lamp which he was wearing his clothing was immediately a mass of flames ray greer who was with him at the time did all he could for the unfortunate man and finally managed to extinguish the flames mr mackl macki was rushed to the dee hospital in ogden where his condition was reported very serious at first but at this writing is somewhat improved patronize our advertisers charter no reserve district no 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE first national bank of coalville Co alville in the state of utah at the dose close ol of business on december 31 1929 RESOURCES loans and discounts overdrafts united states government securities owned 5 other bonds stocks and securities owned banking house furniture fixtures re reserve deserve with federal reserve bank cash and due from banks outside checks and other cash items 1578 1570 TOTAL liabilities capital stock paid in surplus undivided profits net due to banks including certified and cashiers checks outstanding demand deposits time deposits 34 TOTAL state of utah county of summit ss I 1 F D williams cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement Is ir true to the best of my knowledge and beliefs belief F FD D WILLIAMS cashier correct attest BLONQUIST ROBERT YOUNG JOHN H YOUNG directors subscribed and sworn to before me this ath day of january 1930 SEAL ISEAL EG E G BULLOCK notary public I 1 J X QA v TE be more HAe hatalthy Healt althy liy in ir 1930 eat quality foods during the new year and see how much more healthy you will be we have many brands of quality qualify canned goods as well as fresh fruits and vegetables which we recommend for your consideration save money by buying in case lots coalville Co alville coop co coo op O P BEARD manager WE THE BEST AND ALWAYS HAVE IT ao 10 butter cabbage celery and nut salad milk ice cream and cookies tuesday tuna fish salad sandwiches SPRING FRYERS JL peanut butter and lettuce cheese and nut hot chocolate the kind that creates our milk ice cream and cookies appetite for more wednesday cream of tomato ALFALFA and MIXED HAY BAY soup meat sandwiches candle stick salad blanc mange and jelly CEDAR POSTS milk call up thursday creamed tuna fish on toast nut and lettuce sandwiches CEDAR CREST POULTRY asparagus salad pineapple tapioca FARM cream milk utah friday vegetable soup and crackers hot peas hot rolls milk ice cream one hot dish will be preP prepared axed every day making it possible for students SALT LAKE COALVILLE who bring their lunch to supplement it with something hot auto stage line to begin with each dish will cos cost t five cents DAILY SERVICE NOTICE lv Co alville 8 a in ar salt lake ID 10 a in PROBATE AND guardianship NOTICES consult county clerk lv salt lake 3 p m or respective signers for further information ar coalville Co alville 5 p m NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of alfred lawrence blonquist BUY deceased ROUND TRIP TICKETS creditors will present claims with AND SAVE vouchers to the undersigner undersigned under signed at coal Co alville vilie utah on or before the day of april A D 1930 special car tor for any number of MORAL SETH BLONQUIST people anytime and AARON C TAYLOR administrators of the estate of alfred lawrence blonquist PHONE deceased COALVILLE UTAH date of first pub dee 19 1929 OK buy reliable H hardware ardward there is not a question or doubt about tt it you can save on oil your hardware purchases durin during the coming year if you confine your p purchases ur chases to this store we are not always the lowest in price but the added quality of your purchase soon repays many times this small difference dja ap oft ar SUMMIT U dom furniture merc coo |