Show 1 KAMAS N NOTES j j D B lewis has completed a modern bath room in ili his honit home jos warr was removed from the park city hospital to a salt lake hospital he is suffering from cancer on the mouth mr warr was one of the oldest residents of this valley kamas gold mining company miners li have ve taken a supply of w r ter provisions and are prepared to stay the remainder of the winter vinter they have feet of tunnel made and the fidure has promises jor 1 or the morrow roma hulme has been helping with the stock taking at the kamas confectionary mr and mrs J D P F bradshaw and sons were kamas visitors tos saturday mrs geo williams is Ls on oil chesick th esick list little arthur taylor is reported I 1 on the sick list olden hoyt is assisting in his fathers store mrs raymond packs little daughter is on the improve two more treatments reat ments and she will vill be able to leave eave the hospital mrs dean mitchell gave birth to a still stillborn born baby gi girl A tuesday mrs mitchells health very good L lincoln high of salt lake city yon won the game gam efrom from south summit pickup pick up team friday evening those playing fro from m S S alumni were hun atkinson twin atkinson golden holt elmo WOOL ste nhuom harvey and geo eGeo maxwell john gibb bons eons ns richards mr and mrs wren roundy are announcing the arrival of a baby boy at their home I 1 frank russell spent pent the week end at home with his parents mr and I 1 mrs wm russell stake clerk chas frost ot of coal ville was in kamas hamas and surrounding towns sunday getting ward yearly reports from the bishoprics bishoprick bish marion people are planning to do away with pumps and pipe the water from a a spring east of marion into their homes helen lambert was knocked unconscious while playing on the lee ice near the school grounds thursday helen was able to return to school the next day mrs laura hatch eskelson is visiting in salt lake for a month mr and mrs geo wilde attended a birthday surprise on their mother mrs geo wilde sr at their home in oakley january 2nd and A set et 0 silverware was presented by the children |