Show news notes its a privilege to lwe live in UTAH ur lal H PROVO last yc r apple production in utah amounted to bushels valued at DRAPER in no other section ot of the kited states la is celery grown more crisp or of such fine texture as aa in utah NEW YORK the population ot of con continental tin united states increased to reach a total ot of on july 1 according to estimates ot of the national bureau ot f economic research the bureau bureau that 39 per der cent of 0 the population la Is gainfully employed LOGAN A total or of wa was collected in the recent annual red cross roll call in cache cacha county john A hendrickson chairman ot of the cache chapter reports this driveways drive was much more successful in bringing in funds than any attempted since the war SALT LAKE utah received 40 as inheritance taxes from foreign and local estates in december it la Is shown in the recapitulation issued by the attorney generals offic recently ahe taxes received were on property value in the aggregate at OGDEN that the ogden livestock show Is gaining wider re each succeeding succeed iLg year Is evidenced by letters received by the know khow management frair various organizations interested in the growth and development of the intermountain ter country BRIGHAM CITY according to the 1930 budget I 1 tor for brigham city which was passed after a hearing recently the estl estimated mate revenues of the city tor for the now new year are the es estimated expenditures as fixed by the budget are ara washington ASHINGTON vt two and one halt half billion dollars Is the stupendous income realized annually in inobe the united states from the livestock lovestock industry according to a new study which has lust just been completed by the bureau ot of agriculture economics ot of the united states depart ment ot of agriculture the figures figure are based on actual sales ales s in 1928 LOGAN water users and subscribers kc of cache county interested in the proposed federal reclamation project in this valley voted almost unanimously recent clyto ly to ask the utah water storage commission for an additional extension of time until january 22 in which to rals subscriptions tor for the purchase of water from the proposed reser reservoir voli above hyrum SALT LAKE the planting ot of suitable trees and shrubbery along all highways big eways of the federal aid system where such growth can be maintained should be regarded as a s a necessary eventual step in the th improvement ot of the system says say thomas H macdonald chief of the bureau of public roads of the united states department ot of agriculture GUNNISON operations at the gunnison Gunn lson valley sugar factory tor for the 1929 season ceased recently the tonnage of beets sliced slice and nd made into sugar was the largest excepting 1925 since operations were stated ten years ago the sugar content was slightly below normal but the tonnage per acre was heavy nearly a halt half million dou rs was paid to the growers washington the bag limit for ducks next year will be 15 anil after a man kills tour four geese he will be through tor for the day secretary hyde announced recently that the changes in federal regulations aou would id so po into effect after the present hunting deaso and that the possession limit would be reduced to 30 ducks and 8 geese at present the i ag limit under federal law for ducks Is 25 and tor for geese 8 VERNAL As part of the 1930 program tor for the uintah county tarn farm bureau E peterson county agent is suggesting the formation 0 of a wool pool on a scale which will permit the tha pool to become a member ot of the federal wool corporation po ration being organized under the sponsorship of the federal farm board the proposed federal regulations ions grant ke representation presentation to a pool that will produce pounds ot of wool and mr peterson says that much wool Is yielded by flocks cocks in uintah county VERNAL in his annual report to the district forester in ogden A G nord supervisor of the ashley national forest gives the number of 0 buck deer killed on that thai forent during the recent open season as a decrease ot of 60 50 per cent as compared with 1928 when the deer hunting season opened last october no storms had bad 06 occurred in the summer ranges or the doer deer and as a consequence conse few deer deci had migrated to the lower tall fall and winter ranges which regions comprise tile the principal hunting fields ot of the forest |