Show AT r ame I 1 kg jag arthur thur D st owden lowden 0 den smith 0 0 t BUR D HOWDEN SMITH service FER TER XII continued T T 6 21 jore ore broad broadsides sides smote the arl the tint interval erval required to tuck trick N e e danger rime lone and when I 1 tier ber rolling position lian the hf had aued to flail fall her bet with several ing that could be almed aimed tor for lucky shot dismounted a and puddles tit nl blood altel ne sand ue the powder hobs 1 I had cross across the deck but one n ie e badgers guns ceased firing mil was rocked racked florla end to rea abe relentless ol of ici brig and presently ilif ien cen ruled out of the nank ly the situation the long tom if simmering jim mering away awn of af the anfor 11 IrI tisher cadger was a dreadful sight pla ining salts balls split und and rat fail le ie rigging aary bet ber upper arid and stir she y 0 0 be somewhat down by the iut the white while ensign floated peak of bet mizzen sp ap nailed called there at intervals Int emils in p belt ol of her bulwarks bulwa grinned grisim ed wes irles of cannon and one of 0 her ions anns flint had been tri hauled tiled att aft A defiance of the privateer dot licked ui bcd yet set 11 it growled dzu yes ea examined b his is own ship re I 1 festy reports from rom tits officers I 1 so an wounded three killed no y worth met loing a loft aloft except fore topmast the hull 3 dry 4 4 board be decided and a f of assent expressed his hear bior anlon ion mr im turn r the ship to you I 1 shall be oasle with the marines mr hit K remain aboard and w batteries if 11 necessary my mi fit have you take the after the marines that will gentlemen 69 wes clung to a forestay tor estay atop bulwarks bulwa peering tie furry that vand nd trembled treni bled to the throb pence of cannon and musketry tir y bhim him the was crammed yen sen tom grogan eefting hefting an R knotty fist crouched at tits his Is feet i ye see her messmate he be 1 anxiously barriers of rank P D yet ah theres her main iii id d cheer announced that others pen een it too the long lone tom alred ed brazenly the elabd bet bat corned by divisions and the con i aps blew the smoke upward to hahe badgers hull rolling lug like a wound wounded whale half a suke length distant td d over mr fellowes ilithe sailing master Il ready leady n abnel men privateer slid easily around the aj wars bow puking poking hey hei linw how to the tattered bi boar dins net et of the Grap grapnel nels across the narrow bell of wad slowly very slowly the two j i ground together bron dide bizz e to 0 muzzle e gun crews ig ot at each other through the small arms rattling in a sav icenho ese endo i his bis perch fellowes looked down he kangers cadgers cad kad gers shattered bhatt ered deck of kif hostile faces scowled up at Is eyes coolly the ris tor for his en ernys fare face and ig g stirred lr ir olm him for 0 was nowhere visible curry 1 lieutenant and a ie e only officers in sight the S was as a shambles her were ere still unbeaten surging I 1 to meet the americans american a jumped adiong them thein e had lingered for one more tb the long tom and leaped KS hot breech ot of the piece it to gs s bulwarks bulwa yelling his war va second leap carried him ov dovw ds s ol of the boarders fighting to heir foothold on the liin lers 21 and into the midst ol of HIP CD alo 0 tile the first time revolved led eo e negros cutlass end and terrible errahle face grogans nig gerl i eres Cuff eel the oli eu ED ins be were aroused nell tent teat 1 1 his A int ineater ann pater resistance est stance commenced to weak 11 II as numerous as tile the noard hoard badgers crew suffered sulT ered main their dearth of officers which 1 nd an absolute luck lack after joe biml d bayon eed mr curry carry and id d disposed of the lone survia shi where was coill asked hill iselt again aishus would have been bani lend lead f it been fur for nib boh clinch bun n was trickling melting pike shio hoarse lions ons to tits lis followers ne e onni fw 14 lie vir liing juwei of it pj 11 crew sr alie aare victorious vIct rious plus the superstitious fear eai engendered by cuffee coffee clinch himself realized this latter factor and bravely sought ought the negro in personal combat vastly to culters Cul Cuff Tees eeli might delight yano aa ariah rohl bob I 1 clairee cu affet coln cut yo nose to fo ent eat no digger desur desutter deserter de ter can stand op to me 1310 clouted TOM led bob thrust hig des dec corately pora Dera tely eres ereg daylight in ye but cuffee parried the pike with a angle ot tits lila left led arm and raked his point down the it ri scarred side ol of the lie ho ann n s face poor pool flinch clinch blinded by the if blood staggered find and would lieve fallen it if tom grogan him the capture ot of flinch clinch heartened disheartened dis the britt Britis hers they had kept to eth er fr ird ol of the mainmast close close ranle ran fall 13 impenetrable arable but bul now re 18 giffee whirled into inlo them harking find beaving parrying strokes alb tits his hare bund blind filed llord teeth gleaming fe e in the black mask of hi his face a genre of 0 A americans ing after litin him they a tend ency to scatter into isolated groups harb surrendered red its HS rapidly its AS they vere ivere d Fe fellowes lowes was wn lead ln ins nn an attick upon one of these when a pistol pastol cracked behind it and the ot ill 6 a quarter lech deck voice 1 mildly un above the click clack of steel ill shoot eler aej man who rho tries to ouch that flue flag the stanlcy dudgen right and left their weapons from roil them and there propped against the bren break tot of tile pimp lay Colli shawe tits ills evvs hillring lii in n face drained ol of f r IN K done the same in your place he repeated all color his body from rom the waist down a bundle ol of soggy bandages rear near by sprawled one of tits his sailors dead tile hie smoking pistol la in his bis hand telling its own story while the americans watched he be dropped the weapon and selected another from rom a row convenient to his grasp cocking it and shaking the priming in ID the pan as aa carelessly as though not an enemy was in sight fellowes was embarrassed tain bow to net act mis disliking liking the idea ol of violence against a wounded toe but bul cultee was not cot so the negro stole aft along the port but bul warts and threw an empty water bucket which brushed the pistol from hand and then before the englishman could replace it kicked the remaining weapons out ot of reach CoIll showe had bad been wreathed wren died around by the blow and a trickle kle ol of blood began to seep from his bandages but not a muscle twitched in a als I 1 S ta face C e and his hi one indication ot of feeling was a curious glance tit at fellowes the long islander was mure mire at a loss that than ever lie ile had obtained his su preme object objective le here before him blin lay the man who had logged flogged him wounded defeated at his ti mercy nercy the badger was his bis he had humiliated as much as he be had dreamed of doing and the words that came to his lips were console tory I 1 sorry youre wounded what can we do tor for you nothing thanks answered cot col im done tor for oil oh not no I 1 M my surgeon have him spend his spare time etli my men who need it the eng ang lish mans tone was wag inflexible but fel lowes be began lia to detect a slightly ties rant quality in it n hidden our scotchman was bowled out kut bot want you let me have a look looka no use rise my legs are pulp one ol of your d a twenty four shot fellowes looked away lie he envisaged this ending to his quest suddenly he heard cot col ll 11 shawe showe speaking again 1 I say youre a slicker lder st that thai was a well fought action used your head did you yiu hy by any chance plan thin that hm hill tery for me fellowes nodded CollI shawe frowned plucking or at the bandages around his bis thighs done the slime myself in your place pance humph rut put I 1 very vers well veil help belp loggan you dis ci pline and all that sort son ol of thing you have pressed tile ine as serged fellowes l recovering a sense of injustice Colli shawe frowned again there nere ere tiny beads beadi of sweat on OD his forehead arid and his big gaunt cheeks grew gaunter aint sure he answered coulden couldn toul I 1 myself though that swine swore you were a british said atwould be lair data berous to let you yon get into new york talk about the true bounty us ns fellowes rocked on his hl heels beets eyes shut shot on an awful nausea possessing him there othere anyone elsel elbel he asked dully eh anyone A shrewd light flickered in Collis hawes fever bright t eyes oh hilss no she ghe knew noth ln ol of it mutter matter of fact act ive thought choler hooked nit me deliberately while she was away kind of thing the cursed swine would to ilo im sorry gorry fellowes Fell owea sold said laws contracted some ome what his first real sign ol of emotion pone done the some same in your place tie be repeated ive thought a lot about it IL funny how a teller feller gets things twisted eh eb he ele caught his hi breath pain fellowes Fell owea exclaimed quickly yeses yes es cs think you yoo could get me olt of run rum A sailor brought a ilkin on the run and e lapped it eagerly while fellowes supported tits bis head bead better be said ald in the crisp impersonal tones habitual wibb him now ive often thought about that time flog gin you and alli all bothered me but bill I 1 cant se gee e bow I 1 could have let you off there was a new humbleness in fell fel lowes heart 1 I expect you have he be ad emitted Sp Sport ortin ln ot of you yon to say bay so but id nave felt just as you did if U flogged flago flogo cd me some things a teller feller cant forgive why cont cant we forgive cried fel lowes why should we go through life bating people not a preacher cant say but any fellers fell erd hate a teller idler flogged bogged him especially it if be tell felt there was a dirty dirt play behind it A streak of passion warmed tone what I 1 cant go Is havin a rat like choler start all this D D his SOD soul I 1 if I 1 find him it in hell hes bes dead fellowes blurted out dead you yon mean the true trie bounty A 4 tremor convulsed Colli shawe and once more the ominous trickle of red seeped through his bandages miss she you mean they went down no the true bounty Is sunk but miss Ingle pID im here hera caras voice panted oh where Is he where Is james jaines the stolid ring ot of sailors was burst asunder as if Cuff coffees ees big serpent had been discharged into their midst and cars cara fluttered down beside colef shawe james I 1 what have they done don e t to 0 you oh father father please fetch feic h doctor no use said with an effort that was pitiful he raised a hand in caras direction and both tiers hers closed around it it goner but no hard feell ns eh fellowes fellowes bowed his head heartsick for cara he saw he exist but there must be something to do she he was saying in a strained voice tears streaking her cheeks do let me see I 1 tightened his grasp ot of tier ner baad and in response to the effort the trickle that flowed from his hie bandli bandages become became a stream no no do be denied faintly dont 11 1 and she saw as fellowes tit did the gray eray shadow sandow that mantled his face she roum must have seen something too in the fading eyes that fellowes did not see tor for she bent swiftly and her lips touched his worth everything he murmured st rilling for a breath the shadow lifted from his face the light blazed in his eyes again nall kail up that flag dam damme niel 1 he cried cred you not strike whilst im fellowes stooped and caught the poor mangled clay as it slipped side ways shoulder chanced to touch caras and slie she drew back bach with an instinctive aversion that blistered hip hi sm respect tills this Is the fruit of hate she said in a hard still voice but death Is hotter hetter than tann innie some things yes better than lining ahin in hole hate oh sir it if you might know how 1 I how I 1 despise you 1 she tumbled fumbled in her bosom and pro deuced a clean kerchief which she spread over Colli shawe wan tave face come father she sald said and oh now wearily I 1 we try to help james men fellowes wanted desperately to i speak to her to comfort her to es er cuse himself hut but the words word conle a 9 sense within himat him at in formed formea him tier her mind was eloped closed to ici hlin let her mind and her heart so much for victory I 1 TO BE CONTI continua NUm |