Show bicow COW registered BY PI 1 camera calucia useful in growth growall of dairy animals ftP by tho the united department I 1 I 1 0 of f agriculture rile importance u ice of a castuera on live stock claims fin ins is emphasized by the re beut ile decision cislon of 0 to dairy breed ns as to accept in alet of tile hie color sketches of animals intended tended ln for registration the breeds concerned are ayrshire and holstein Holste iii adelan i delan dalry enli y specialists in tile the united states stales department of agriculture au an nite increased interest in teres in animal S us a result of this ne ct eion and call attention to depart anent circular C which chidi discus dis cussi wo the use of the lie a in tile bic groth and development of dairy aal kinli this circular gives many aleal suggestions and inny le be obtained Y by y writing the of agri culture at washington photographs have heen been usta by re I 1 search ui kers in III tiie the bureau of hilry nir industry for a number of years aral it has hern been found that they furnish it a prolific source of information willell could hardly he be secured by any other method of 0 keepin he these cia lists are hopeful that the new rul in ing of the breed will I simulate 1 tim a much wider use of the 1 aineta c cai nera on dairy farms throughout the country |