Show STATE DIVIDES 00 0 F SCHOOL MONEY apportionment of the state school funds received from the state district school fund and the land interest and rental fund amounting amouri ting to a total of or 1619 per capita of school population was anno announced friday by mahonri thomson statistician as authorized by dr C N jensen state superintendent te of public instruction the apportionment Is the first ot of two made during the school year andis prorate don a school population of this apportionment does not include the high school funds distributed separately according to the compilations of statistician othonson oTh thomson the state district school fund received or a per capita of 1490 while the land interest and rental fund brought th atie distinct schools or a pe per r capita of the made by districts school population and the receipts from both funds in this portion of the state follows districts pop total morgan north summit al park city 1133 south summit 5 |