Show SO THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW mr taxpayer I 1 read your item in the deseret news on the old age pension it is too bad mr taxman you have to pay eight cents more a month mr reese was you here when this land was cultivated by the pick and shovel the hand plow and the harrow with a yoke of oxen they had to walk all day holding the plow and when harvest time came they had to cut the grain with a cradel and the hay with a sythe it sure made your back bend mr air harris we dont live in european countries although some of our dear fathers and mothers came here from foreign lands but they were chosen before they were born bom to come here to make this desert land to blossom like like a rose there wa Z nt any paupers haupers among them them an any Y nore more than there are today read rea 1 I tl the e story about the miser and his horse see what the judges did for him elizabeth A redden |