Show BAND BOYS nnA lEMBER instructor INSTRUCT OB le arvild that their instructor S 11 atey was wag about to leave price for or it a bitne on oil busin col the inen members ibers of the irico band night marched in 1 I i fiody to ill the abo mathis hotel where mr air orty lr ty ila lina been living livan mince liin ills arrival in this crity tendered hirn a se Ber enalo renado and their mayor 01 son gon presented mill with a haild soDO and atly pipe ni am a alight filin lt token of tile the esteem esthern in which il 0 la is leej ix H by the of the land tile instructor st tor ila surprised by ill als murk mark of esthern and it was bould befaro tio lie recovered sufficient ly iv to thank hla film fr faionis ionis and hit into 0 pupils lor fr their appreciation 8 ir if frey has wonders with tho local band mince iivo he behanic its ilo in Ft f roctor wine amne two months since and noli oily app recial 1 4 this mure inure than the Ille lubs themselves and it wits biting that lie bi be on the OVO ova of his hia departure even though ho he only lie leaVi fig ali tile city temporarily sir mr prey frey left yesterday morning for SIy toi vernald tin anil other reservation points where lie ho will continue ills chiai business am n it ili uno salesa irin many macy people besides lif sidey elioe in tile the bond will regret to see mr prey frey leave price and ami till all will join tile tho news in ill hoping that his him absence may b bo 0 brief |