Show A joint resolution proposing an amendment of section 3 article 13 of the constitution of the state Sta teof of utah to taxation do bo it resolved and enacted by the Jegi legislature slature of the state ot of utah two thirds of all the combers elected to each of 0 the two houses concurring therein t section 3 1 that it la Is proposed to amend section 3 of article 13 or of the constitution ol of the state of utah so that tho the same will vill read as follows 3 the legislature shall provide by law for a just and equitable assess ment of the property ot at tho state at its actual money value all taxes shall bo be uniform on the same class of property within the tha territorial limits of oe tho the authority levying tho the tax I 1 and shall awl be levied and collected for public purposes only Provi provided tied that a deduction of debits from credits may be authorized I 1 provided further that the property of oc the united states or oc the state stale counties cities towns school municipal corporations and public libraries lots with tho buildings thereon wed exclusively either to tor religious worship or charitable purposes and places ot at burial not held or used for or private or corporate bene benc bt shall bo be exempt from taxation ditches canals reservoirs rosar volra pipes und laniya owned anil and used by individual 13 or corporations for or irrigating lands land a owned by such individuals or corporations or the individual members thereof shall not bo be separately taxed as long as they shall be owned and used exclusively for such purpose provided further that mortgages upon both real and personal property shall be exempt from taxation provided further that tho the taxes of the indigent poor may be remitted or abated at such time and in such manner as may be provided by law sec 2 tho the secretary of 0 state la is hereby ordered to give this proposition to bo be published in at least one newspaper in levory evory county in the whore where it a newa newspaper paper is 16 printed and published for two months preceding the next general election see sec 3 this pru proposition position shall be submitted to the electors ot of this state at tile tho next general election for or their approval or disapproval all official ballots used at such election a shall hall have printed or written thereon the for the amendment to section 3 article 13 11 of 0 the constitution belati relating ag to the classification of 0 property tor for purposes ot of taxation yes no and shall otherwise be ba prepared and sub submitted m tied to the tha electors as miny may otherwise lie be provided by law and said ballot shall ho be received counted and canvassed and leturno ibe be mado made in the same manner and in alt all respects as Is or may be provided by law in tile the case of 0 election of 0 state officers see sec 4 it adopted by the electors of 0 tho the state this amendment shall take effect january lot st state a to of ul utah seib off office cc ortho secretary ss 38 of state 1 I charles S secretary or 0 state of the tha state of 0 atall do hereby certify that tho the foregoing lo la a full true and correct copy of a resolution proposing an amendment to section 3 article XIII ot nt tho the constitution or of the state oi of ut utah a it relating to taxation IN TE TESTIMONY WHEREOF I 1 have hereunto sot set my hand and affixed the great seal of tho the state of utah at salt bait 1 lake ke city this day of august 1913 1912 seal 0 S secretary of state |