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Show ) vmamm POINTERS FOR DUCK RAISERS) BACKACHE A SIGNAL Pekin is a Great Layer, but Dose Not Possess Firmness of Flesh of the Aylesbury. FOR BEGINNER IN POULTRY Two Dozen Hen Are Plenty to Start With for One With No Experience American Breed Beat. For one who baa had no experience with poultry two dozen hens are plenty to begin with. It is better to begin with one of the American or Asiatic breeds. The Mediterranean breeds are weak when small because t of feathering so fast. Free range is best, writeB William Zimmerman of Selma, Okla., in the Farmers' Mall and Breeze. If they must be put in pens, 12 hens and a cock to each pen is about right For good, strong The market price for duck feathers about half that for goose feathers. ' In France the term "duckling is applied to birds hatched the previous season, and not the present year, as in this country. In England it is claimed that while the Pekin is not a great layer, it has not the fineness of flesh nor the early maturity of the Aylesbury. The Cayuga, the only American variety, furnishes a meat of fine flavor, but on account of-i- ts black plumage makes a very unattractive appearance when dressed. The French epicures greatly appreciate the high quality of the Cayuga. This is about the only American product that we are not overly proud of. The great secret of fattening ducklings is to begin early, and this can only be attained by keeping the stock duck young. In practice it is not profitable to keep the stock ducks more than two years. COMBAT FOES POULTRY-YAR- D Great Amount of Lost and Much Annoyance Caused by Insect Parasites How to Control. r (By GEORGE M. TURPIN.) Interior of Poultry House, Insect parasites are the cause of a great deal of annoyance and loss tc poultrymen. Some essential measures for their control are: Have the poultry bouses separated from all other farm buildings. Have all of the interior fixtures oi the poultry bouses, such as roost-poles- , nest boxes, feed hoppers dropping boards, etc., removable so that every part of the interior can be readily cleaned and sprayed. Keep a good dust bath to which the fowls may have access at all times of the day. Common road dust with fine ashes and powdered sulphur or lime added is excellent. The road dust should be gathered chicks, the cock bird should be not less than one nor more than three years old, and the hens two years old. I have kept hens in pens '16 by 66 feet, 12 to a pen, and had good results. A house 14 by 16 feet and J6 feet high at the eaves is large enough for three dozen hens. I am keeping about 100 in one of that size. My house is built facing the south and all the south side is made of lath one inch apart. The east, west and north sides are boxed tight, but there is a door Am iiiiui'i, i,i mi'i'Tli across the north end for a cleaning off curthe sliding drop board. I use no tain in front of the roosts, and I have no frozen combs or sick poultry. As a feed to make hens lay there is nothing better than wheat and Kafir in equal parts. If the hens are kept in pens feed all they will eat. Throw the grain in straw or hay. Don't dose your heps to make them lay, and if onie gets sick, separate it from the A dropping board easily removed, flock. cleaned, sanded and replaced without going Into the hen house. A. Dropping board proper. KEEPING AND STORING EGGS Well Dissolved Solution of Water, 8laked Lime and Salt is Reconv mended Don't Crack. - ' - V- change: To every three gallons of water add one pound of fresh slaked f lime and pint of salt. Have it well dissolved. Drop in your eggs one at a time, but mind do not crack them If you wish to keep them one or two years you can do so. But you must use them as soon as taken out or they will spoil. When you put in all you wish, take a thin piece of board and put on top, and on that put a little salt and lime that the top may be as strong as the bottom. If these are kept at sqa and in different climates, why not keep on land in a cool cellar? Should ycu wish to keep to transport, dissolve sufficient gum shellac to make a thin varnish in alcohol, let them dry, then after giving each egg a coat pack them in bran or sawdust. WbeA wanted wash off the varnish and they are ready to be cooked. one-hal- Omgom Two Hundred Acres of Land in Nebraska Utilized by Ranchman for Breeding of Birds. ranchman has more of wild land, too dry A Nebraska than 200 acres for cultivation makes a good without irrigation, and living by raising tur- keys. A small Pain In the back Is the kidney's signal of distress. If this timely arnlngisig nored, there ia grave danger of dropsy gravel, mie poison ing, or Bright's dis ease. When yon hare reason to suspect your kidneys, use a special kidney WUBTJR P.NESPIT medicine. NOW RECOGNIZED Doan's Kidney Pills relieve weak, HAS PROPER DRESSY EFFECT PRETTY AUTO BONNETS congested kidnea cure backache regulate the urine. Good proof in the state following meat. AS PART, OF FEMININE EQUIPMENT. CONVINCING TESTIMONY George L. Cotter, Elm fit., Damarhs cotta, Me, says: "Two years ago 1 suf fered from kidney trouble. My back was often so lame that 1 could hardly get home from bueineee. Nothing helped me until I ueed Doan a Kidney Pttla. They entirely removed the paine and X have In No Way Shown Are Inferior to Those of Previous of Good Examples 8eason the Best Displayed. New Models The auto bonnet has made a new record of success during the past summer. It has come to be recognized as the proper thing and the essential thing for the autoist, and it has become a bewltchlngly pretty affair. A great number of pretty new models are shown for fall, most of them made tof taffeta over rice net foundations, and all of them finished with a veil which is a part of the design. A good example is shown here. It js of light tobacco brown taffeta trimmed with lace and lace covered buttons. The crown is soft and plaited into a band about the face. The edge is a frill of plaited taffeta and the veil Is arranged to be thrown over the face if needed. This model is becoming to almost every one and is made In all the staple colors. Another model is not so soft for it Is made with a round stiff crown. and But the brim is made over rice-nis therefore not rigid. Black taffeta laid in fine plaits covers the brim, and light blue taffeta is stretched over the crown. A large, square, chiffon veil in light blue is finished with a border of black taffeta ribbon. The veil is laid over the hat, falling on all sides. A narrow boxplatting of Ufteta ribbon is laid over the veil at the base of the crown, and sewed to For visiting and smart occasions place here. This confines the veil, this might well be made in Nil which may be thrown back at will. This bonnet is made in many color green Shantung.' The Bkidt is a plain, well-cu- t shape, combinations, as pink and black, light made with a wrapped seam down the center, while the coat is Russian in '' style and has the deep basque connected with the coat by a narrow band; Vandyke lace Is taken round the neck and edges the fronts, also sleeves. Hat of coarse straw, lined with black satin and trimmed with a feather. Materials required: 6 yards Shantung 34 inches wide, 1 yards lace. et during dry weather for use during the winter, j Spray th coops and fixtures with a good whitewash twice each year, adding two pounds of salt and gallon of crude carbolic acid to every fifty gallons of the spraying . mixture. Setting hens should have access tc a good dust bath such as mentioned above. If lice are found later on the chicks, rub lard in the feathers ol the head and throat, and in bad cases, also under the wings. , green and black, whit wand black, and Is very pretty in white and taupe and in solid colors. TURKEYS THRIVE ON ALFALFA JULIA BOTTOMLEY. one-fourt- There are many plans suggested for keeping and storing eggs, but a very simple one appears in a recent ex FDIVO OF DISTRESS al Self-colore- d d creek runs through the place and along its sides grow some cottonwood trees. , About 200 acres of this farm has been sown to alfalfa, and in of TREATMENT FOR BROODY HEN the absence of fnuefa rain it spite thrives very well. Unique Plan Is to Provide Wooden The old ranch owner raises from TEND TO DIRECT0IRE MODEL Boxes With Screen Bottoms 800 to 1,200 turkeys every year, and Fowl Soon Cools Off. about the only care he gives them la Suits and Gowns Are All Showing the to feed them alfalfa. f Leaning to This Decidedly A unique plan for curing broody Effect. Pretty hens is carried out by making a few boxes with screen bottoms with legs Carrying out predictions of a few attached to keep the box up from the months ago, fashion designers'are emground and allow free circulation of phasizing with decided success the air, says the Iowa Homestead. Com iirectoire model In suits and gowns. men window screen is all that should is a jauntiness about the cut, There Desirable eggs are said to weigh the lines and trimming that gives just about 24 ounces to the dozen. the charm, the "chic, as Parisians If hens develop the feather-pullinsay, to a costume. The combination habit send them to market at once. of materials is most easily carried out, Inas an It is egg producer that the of the cuffs, the lapels and dian Runner duck has gained the most because the vest and patch pockwith collar fame. characterize this style. Butwhich ets Poultry balance their own rations if tons play an important part, and the they are given a wide variety of feeds broad girdle and sash give opportunity ' to select from. Tor a color note that will contribute Eggs that cost 25 cents per dozen and character to a gown will bring $7 to $8 when batched and individuality or suit. sold as broilers. Box for Treatment Generally, the coat has a turned-bacIt is usually mere guesswork to tell collar of satin or cloth. It can be used for a bottom. Into these the age of a hen by her appearance flat or It can stand in a high be old hatchers until the quite they after she has passed the pullet stage. place with black ribbon Several days in give up hatching. A hen over two years old is fit itock effect, tied up such airy quarters cool them off and only for the pot and to mother chick- jr velvet, the knot or bow at the side. ens. She is past her profitable laying they go to laying. Straight lines of buttons are used, emphasis being placed on round . great days. of brilliant bone, or brass balls, forms Kerosene. All young stock on hand now that Kerosene is sure death to lice if you do not intend to keep through or on ornamental styles of enamel and applied as a spray. Spray the walls, the coming winter should be mar- tortoise shell. The favorite directoire dress and roosts, corners and nestings and the keted. After hens are through laying they lult have vest effects. This important oil will kill all vermin. Sprinkle the bottom of the nests with it and cover should be soid to the butcher unless part of the costume is shown in velwith a heavy coating of straw. they are needed for breeders next vet, cloth, embroidered satin or figured cretonne. It Is buttoned under Kerosene Is also very valuable in season. Goose eggs require from twenty-eigh- t buttons and can be fashioned of preventing and curing scale disease to thirty-twIn fowls, if It Is used freely on the days to hatch, ac- straight pieces or crossed portions. roosts once a week you will have no cording to variety and method of The whole length of the vest can be shown if the jacket Is the cutaway scaly legs. It promptly destroys the hatching. on when fowls at the cease that preys Hens, thy louse red laying, fatten type. If It is crossed and fastened, line. tight, sapping their very life blood very easily and a fat ben la a thrifty the vest Is seen below the waist at the hips and retires to the roost poles during candidate ter all kind of poultry are pockets There patch disease. the daytime g of many directoire coats. Sleeves are usually long, with ruffles of lace at the lower edge or running up the outer seam. Turned-baccuffs we also in vogue. The skirt of the directoire gown shows increased fullness obtained by either panniers, draperies or pleats laid flat and pressed, so that the silhouette is noj daringly modified. Directoire styles will insure a beauty in dress that will be unusually general this fall and winter. The grace, the variety and the opportunity for using short lengths are too good to be forgotten in the interesting song of the styles. Let the Interesting chap, ter of French history be opened again when you plan your new clothes. k k -- 1 DOAN'S FOSTER-MILBUR- S?lnley CO.. Buffalo. N.w York N THOUGHT HE KNEW THE SIGNS Aged Darky Could 8e Nothing to Hi Pacngr Except a Man Instituting Lodge. Bob Hull, the champion story teller of Savannah, had occasion lately to take a business trip Into Interior Georgia, He took his golf clubs with him, Intending to stop on his way to9 a njatch on the , famous links at s Augusta, He dropped off the train at bis business destination a small town on The fool who rocks the boat ha met hi a branch road and carrying his lug-- , Idiotic peer; The fool i beatgage climbed Into an ancient hack en cut, we fear; bade the driver, who was an old The one who feasts on toadstools in the and negro man, take him to the local hoeffort to decide If they are mushrooms succulent, must tel. lose his vaunting pride; The negro eyed the queer-lookinThe lady fool, th babyleather bag that his passenger yellow jumping knave Must bow their heads before the man carried with the peculiar looking who dreamed the tidal wave. sticks In it. His curiosity got the best of him finally. The man who plays the trombone In th suh, "Boss, he began, "please, of the hour stilly night; 'souse me but mout I ax you a quesThe maid who wrecks pianos In her prac- , g hero-kissi- ' tion?" ticing delight; The man who hunts the gas leak with a big and blazing match; The one Who prods the lion just to se if it will scratch; The one who writes his autograph upon the temples nave They all go before the man who made the tidal wave. Go ahead and ask, said Mr. Hull. "Whut kind of & lodge ia you Institutin? Saturday Evening Post. WI8E BOY. Oh, what a happy world 'twould be If ail the list of fools If dll the ones who introduce wild notions in the schools, If all the food and air and light and labor ts Were gathered into companies and regiments and lots, And washed away completely to an idiI otic grave Aten - with him wh mad 4b about th tidal wave I ( Metal Ribbons, Plcot Edged. In accordance with the general vogue for metal effects this season, are devoting ribbon manufacturers much attention to the production of metallic novelties, says the Dry Goods Not only is a touch of Economist. gold or silver employed, but many numbers are in evidence. silver and gold ribbons are shown. In widths from No. 7 to 16. Other handsome metal novelties in widths up to No. 9 are distinguished by a grosgrain edge. striped metals in gold and in silver are shown, especially suitable for use Done In Colors. in fashioning hair ornaments. QuanIn the dainty tities of these new metal ribbons will linen Dutch collars the scalloped edges be used in millinery and in fancy ire in many cases worked in colors. work. A collar of white pique decorated with v lots worked in white floss has a Transparent Materials. brown edge, while another pretty colembroidered transparent Allover lar in fine white linen is worked in materials play an important pari in dark blue. These form a pretty fin- the gown. In some of the models a ish at the neck line of the tailored sham skirt of allover handwork apblouse, and as they match the skirt pear beneath the long tunic which sf the coat suit, when the coat is drape the front of the gown. It is attaken off a pretty little color scheme tached at the waist line in the back Is revealed. and falls away as a train. o never had any further trouble." Gat Doan's aft Any Drag Stora, SOc a Bos The Mysterious Woman. We clip this from the Evanston News: y TAKEN BY MISTAKE LAST afternoon at a missionary meeting at the home of Mrs. Edward S. Lacey, a dark green womans tailored coat. Will the party having the garment please return to 305 Davis street and exchange for her own. A dark green woman must be sn interesting sight Mos Evanston women are well read Huh! Youd have said that yourself if you'd had the chance. WED-nesda- j Nothing Mor to Liv For. Without question, the Scot curler, of whom Lord Lyveden tell in Fry' Magazine, placed the proper value on hi sport. in During a recent curling-matcSwitzerland, the skip of one of the teams, who happened to be a Scotsman, was so delighted with the accurate shot of one of his team, that he was heard to address him in the following manner; "Lie down and dee, mon; lie jovn and dee. Yell never lay a finer stane nor that If ye live to be a hundred. Rank Cruelty. Colonel Bludgore (of Kentucky) I see, Majah, that these hyuh New Yobk s'loonists ah goln t' close theih places up tight foh one Sunday an' not permit one drop of ilckeh t be boI foh one whole day Jus' t teach th people a leBson on th' evil of tempe'ance. Major Shottgunne (also of Kentucky) Muhciful heavens! Why, Cunnel, they ought t take such beahtless monstehs as those k'ioonlsts out an hang eveby one o' them foh only p'posin' such a downright malicious act o cruelty as that, suh! h Many a fellow falls to hit the bull's eye in the big shoot because be has wasted all his ammunition in practice. All She Wants, Anyway. I hear that your daughter's husband, the Prifice tie Brut, is never at home, even for his meals, says the friend. "That is perfectly true." acknowlof the edges the proud mother-in-latitle, "but he leaves all his uniforms aud decorations and coronets and swords and the like in the house all the time. My daughter is perfectly happy. Papas Prediction. Oh, fly with me, pleaded the HARD TO 8EE. Even When the Facts About Coffe ara Plain. It Is curious how people will refuse to believe what one can clearly see. Tell the average man hr woman that the slow but cumulative poisonous effect of caffeine the alkaloid in tea and coffee tends to weaken the heart, upset the nervous system and cause Indigestion, and they may laugh at you if they don't know the facts. Prove it by science or by practical demonstration in the recovery of cof- en- thusiastic inventor to his Inamorata. Here her father, who had been list- fee drinkers from the above condien in the hall, stepped into the parlor tions, and a large per cent of the huand said: man family will shrug their shoulders, "If she flies with you in that new take some drugs and keep on drinkairship you say you have fixed up. I'm ing coffee or tea. willing to make a small bet that you "Coffee never agreed with me nor both drop before you get as far as the with several members of our housefront gate. hold, writes a lady. "It enervates, depresses and creates a feeling of The Promoter. languor and heaviness. It was only "Let us make the capital stock by leaving off coffee and using Postum said the first promoter. that we discovered the cause and way "All right, said the second, who out of these ills. The only reason, I am sure, why was preparing the prospectus on the Postum is not used altogether to the typewriter. "Will it be hard to increase that exclusion of ordinary coffee is, many persons do not know and do not seem capital? asked the first. "No, indeed. All I have to do Is to willing to learn the facts and how to hltt this key a few more tlmCT. prepare this nutritious beverage. Theres only one way according to Persian embroideries, with brocade and a good deal of silver, will be used in evening models. Fashion favors small ribbon ruches and bows of picot edged ribbons for millinery purposes. At the seaside a refer of ratin or loosely cut Ivory tweed is desirable to throw on over light dresses. White dresses for afternoon and evening are charming with bright green, red and amber trimmings. Another Overheard. The new Medici collars, with exDear Sir: I overheard this: tended ruffs In the back, are likely to be warmly welcomed this fall. bought a horse from a liveryman In the finer gowns mlr only one eye and spavined hind M. ror velvet appears, usually a black on blue, green, gold, purple or stripe red. two-tone- d Farmer See here, boy, wbat yer doin' up that tree? Boy One of your years fell off th tree an I'm tryln to put It back. "H with leg T. . : directions boil it fully 15 minutes. Then it is delicious." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to Well-vll- le Theres a reason. , in pkgs. Ever md the above lettrrt A aew eae appear from time to time. true, aad fall ef hamaa Tlr taterest. Adv. |