Show NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK oscar solomon straus who has been nomina nominated fed for governor of at now york by tho the progressives Progress ives ot of that state has the distinction ot of being tho the first jew who ever became a member of tho the united states cabinet in 1906 he be was waa appointed secretary of commerce and labor by president theodora dora roosevelt ovelt mr strata straits was born on december 13 23 1850 and spent anost of 0 hla his boyhood in georgia at the age of ten he was placed under the care of a private tutor and later was sent to col institute in 1865 lazarus straus the father suffered business 44 reverses and was waa compelled to move to now york taking the son bon with him soon after the family had moved to new york oscar straus entered columbia grammar school where lie he remained for two years going from thero there to columbia college col loge from which institution he ha was graduated in 1871 two years yeara later be graduated from columbia law school later lio ho began the practice of law with james 11 II hudson under the firm name ot of hudson straus afterward tile the firm became t stern straus straits thompson I 1 mr air was appointed minister to turkey la in 1887 by president den cleveland Cl oveland ilia mission to in that tha country was remarkably successful in 1881 1690 hit he returned t america in 1807 he be was re appointed to the office ot of minis ter to turkey by president NIC KInley which office for throe years oarb in 1902 president roosevelt appointed him to fill the vacancy in ti tho the permanent court of arbitration at tho the hague caused by the ha death of 0 ex x president |