Show amsy 7 amar aws 0 N EH ZA D P aa Y S OX MAJOR leaa VC OMD wW wJ ft yge J fuw 1 EJ r ow k by SEALS BEALS DECKER BROKER outfielder new york giants whose work has contributed largely to the success of mcgraws mcgrawsr McG raws team learn this season youre certainly touching upon a tender subject you know I 1 have the faculty of making my worst breaks tit nt the worst times it Is a lot like luck of 0 the game some teams can make ten errors and not one win will count in tho the run ran column slid and some loama mke ono one and away goes the game ivo ive always placed mine whore they counted most moat it is pretty hard to pick out the worst blunder I 1 ever made but I 1 can assure you ivo ive made fiade some that im proud ol of ivo ive furnished young ball players with a great many object lessons in what not to do nut but there Is one ot of which I 1 am very proud it was several seasons ago before I 1 had made all tha blunders possible that Is my system I 1 never make abe sanio same blunder twice and the reason im beginning to think I 1 im ini going to be a good player in a year or two Is that ivo ive made most all of 0 them already this was a new one we had a game won by three o runs in the ninth inning when they illey got two runners on the bases and tho the next batter baiter slammed a hard hit between me and the left fielder up tho the wall against the tha fence I 1 certainly gave that ball a chase and I 1 hur bled the throw back to the infield fast and hard to keep him from making a home run I 1 saw hini him stop at third and felt pretty well pleased then I 1 took my mind out of the game gaine for a second to let it tell me what a good player I 1 was getting to be deals beals decker the arhe next batter hit a low line fly out toward me it looked as it if I 1 could reach the ball and I 1 made a hard bard try it hit tho the dirt a toot foot ahead of 0 my hands and bounded up into them they I 1 thought rapidly and played without looking I 1 figured tho the runner would hold bold third to see if 1 I 1 made the catch e ro I 1 cut loose as hard as I 1 could throw to the plate it was a grand throw it went straight into tho the catchers hands hand 9 on the first hound bound I 1 looked to see a cloud of dust as the runner slid to tho the plate but there any dust the catcher grabbed the ball and shot down to lo second too late to catch the latter batter who had taken an extra base on my throw I 1 looked over at third and no runner was there I 1 was puzzled I 1 found out after coming in when a base hit had sent tho the runner home from I 1 ig annd and beaten us its out of 0 the game the runner had stopped slopped nt at third all right buethe umpire had let him go home because of interference and I 1 had thrown to the plate to catch a runner who had been on the bench three minutes copyright 1912 by W 0 chapman there came again th the clatter of the guards feet on oil the cement pavement and tho the writing materials were thrust through the bars thank you said the prisoner the guard wont went on with a nod and a moment later thy signor heard tit th 0 clangor ot of a steel door down tho the cor as it was closed anti and locked ito ho leaned forward in his chair with half closed eyes cyca listening for a long time then rose roe anil and noiselessly approached pro ached the cell door again ho be listened intently after which ho he resumed his seat seal lie ile tossed away tho the alga rette ho he had bad and lighted a fresh one afterward holding tho the noto note over th the flame ot at the match here alere and there where the paper charted charred in the heat beat a letter or word stood out from tho the bare aness of the paper and finally a message complete appeared between tho the innocuous ink written lines tito the prisoner pilson cr read it greedily am privately informed there to Is little chance of alvarezs recovery shall I 1 arrange escape tor for you or have ambassador intercede would advise former as the other might take months nind meeting to sign treaty ald alliance liance would bo be dangerously delays delayed signor signer permitted the sputtering flame to ignite tho the paper and thoughtfully watched the blaze destroy it the last tiny scrap dropped on tho the aboor burned out and ho he crushed the ashes under tinder his heel beel then ho he began to tn write my dear miss many thanks for your courteous littie note I 1 am delighted to know of at tho the improvement in alvarezs condition I 1 hod had hoped that my impulsive act in shooting him would not end in a tragedy please keep mo me informed of 0 any further chango in his condition As AB yet I 1 do not mot see the necessity of consulting an attorney but lator labor I 1 may bo be compelled to do so respectfully rl this done tho the secret agent carefully cleaned the tek bik front the pen wiping it dry with his handlei chief then thrust it into the halt empty glass ot of milk the fluid clung to the steel nib thinly he bo went on writing with it between the he lines ot of ink 1 I am in no danger I 1 hold credentials to united states which when presented will make me responsible only to the italian government as g the prisoner read it greedily cial envoy according to international law arrange escape for one on weer week from tonight use any money necessary make careful arrangements for the test and signing of compact tor for two nights again tho the prisoner cleaned the steel nil nib after which he put it back in tho the bottle of ink leaving it thero there ile he bayed the sheet of paper back and forth to dry it ind and nt at last scrutinized it minutely standing under the light from the high up window of 0 hla his cell letter by letter the milk evaporated leaving the sheet perfectly clean and except for the ink written message this sheet lie ho folded placed in au an envelope end and addressed later the guard passed along alone tho the corridor and egnor thrust tho the letter out to him ne be good enough to post that ale please a se ho be requested it 11 sealed I 1 dont know if your prison rules require you to rend read the llie letters that go 90 out it so read it or have it read then seal it for answer tho the guard dampened tho the flap of 0 f the envelope sealed it thrust it into his pocket and passed parsed on the secret agent sat down again and copped his bla milk meditatively Ively one hour later mr grimm accompanied by johnson Job canie came out of a 11 photographers dark room in pennsylvania Avie avenue nue with a developed negative which lie he sat eat on a rack to dry at the end of another hour he was flitting sit nt hla his desk studying under a macul magnifying glass a finished print of the negative word by word he was writing on a slip of paper what his magnifying aglais glais gave him and so BO curiously enough it came to paw para thal miss thorne theme and chief campon campbell camp on 04 0 the secret service were reading 1 taa h hidden milk written message massago at J 37 r most the identical moment johnson Job got letter from the postman mr grimm VIA explaining 1 I opened M it photo graphed it sealed it again and iund n ale mailed it there was not more thim than half an hours houra delay and miss thorny can not possibly linow knew of it H paused a moment its ila an odd thinell that writing such as that la Is absolu absolutely tabi invisible to the naked eye and yot tel when photographed becomes deol dool pert peri able in the reka negative tive what do you make ot of mr campbell naked asked the guileless blurt eyes were alive with eagerness eager nees well hes hea right ot of course about not being in danger said mr grimm it he camo camet with ettli credentials as ape caal envoy this government must re 9 them oven if senor banor Alvar alvaret els dies and leavo leave it to hla his own government to punish him it we wa were om dally aware that he be lins has such auch era dent tala I 1 doubt it if wo we would have ahw th right to keep him confined cond ned we wa would merely have to hand band him over to ther tt italian embassy and demand hla his pun Ish ashment ment and ot of courso course all that makes him more inora dangerous thab evor ever yes yea I 1 know that sidd said tho the ahlet a little impatiently dut but who I 1 la this man in an 7 who Is this maar nian mr grimm r rt ti heated as a it if surprised d at the quest question foru 1 I was looking for or 11 rince benedetto dabruzzi dA bruzil ot of italy I 1 have found him hima mr campbells clock cloch like brain tick ed d over the tee situation in Id detail etall its like allia this mr grimm dated ile ha has baa credentials which ha bi knows will tree free him it ho he Is forced W tc prose nt them but I 1 imagine they weri given him more for protection in arl an emergency like this than for intro ducting him to our government AM AM the matter stands be cant afford to discover himself by using those crea ere dent lala and yet it the latin cota conn pa pact et Is IR signed he be must be frea n ROT accredit me member aber too that ho he Is in accredited from three countr countries leR italy france franc and spain ile he was vu silent client for a mo MD ment naturally his bis escape from prison would preserve hla his incognito IncognitA 4 and rt at the same fame time permit him tal te i sign tho the com compact there was waa silence for a long tamed 1 I believe the situation Is without precedent said eald mr campbell slowly the special envoy of nt three treat great powers held for attempted V I 1 officially wo we are riot not aware of hla his purpose or hs bis identity mr gromna reminded him it be escaped it would clarity clarify the situation tremendously doi iely it if he be repeated mr hr camp bell musingly dut but of 0 course the compact voula would i not bo be signed at least tn in this coun 0 rt try mr grimm went on tentative lyl I 1 mr campbell Caro gazed straight lato into abe th 4 I 1 list listless legs eyes eye of tho youn ffman borr yoT yota 1 minute pr armore more and gradually full abt der standing come came home to him rina final ly he nodded hla his head uso use your own judgment ur ift grimm hs he directed CHAPTER A call on an ahe ta warden the restful silence of night lay layotta over the great prison here and there in tho grim corridors a guard dozed la in the glare of an electric light and la in the tha office too ft i desk dealt light glimmered where the warden sat eat itt at his bis desk dealt poring overa over a report once he be glanced up tip nt at thea th gloekl lt it was waa rye of eleven and then he be went on with his reading after a little the silence was waa brokel by the whir of the clock and the crat sharp stroke of the hour and at luat just that moment the door from the street opened and a man entered ife he waa w rather tall and slender blender and a a sinister later black mask hid bid bis big fale face from abw th quickly raised eyes af the warden for a baro bare traction fraction of a second the two men stared at each other then in li the wu dens right hand band moved toward the open drawer of desk where a revolver lay and his alir left toward several electrically con necked lovers levers the intruder noted both gestures turca and unarmed d himself stood silent the warden was first to speak well what Is you have a prisoner here bera pietro was the reply in a pleasant voice 1 I have come to demand bis hl release the wardens tight hand was raised above the desk top and the in it clicked warningly you have come to demand his r release ell eh he be queried lie he still sat motionless ouless with bin big eyes fixed on abe ta black mask how did you pass ahva outside guard TO BE CONTINUED ilsy 3 a i i i or |