Show MORE MOKE ROOM BOOM NEEDED FOR CLASSES you need lived only visit the morgan school building to be convinced that moro more room is needed for class work tile c court house will be used for this HUB purpose but it is far from convenient and only makes the noc essi tty of a new building buil dius for the high school mafe apparent would it not bo be a good thins thing to in look forward to this emergency and prep a ye tit to meet it during the early of f lu iti ea W I 1 f by an arna 1151 rf building or construe ew en new onet onel the high school move is taking on oil such an impetus throughout the state is as to arouse all classes of people morgan county is ia awakening to the call of secondary ed li and her people will meet and dolve solves this problem as other communities ti les of the state are doing alie writer lins has faith in the educational odric progressive nesi of morgan county |