Show CAMPAIGN PLANS BEING republican congressional committee getting in readiness for active work ORATORS TO DEFEND TARIFF question Is bound to bo be one of the principal issues in the coming elections democrats determined to keep it in the front washington if the republican congressional gress lonal committee has its way a defense of the tariff law will be made by the principal campaign orators luring during tho the two months prior to the election next november the republicans had hoped that the tariff was waa buried as an issue past resurrection for at least ten years but members of their own party have refused to attend a funeral or even to admit that tile the issue is in ill any immediate danger ot of death then the democrats also have announced that they are going to pay their attentions to the tariff and by the use of frequent electrical oratorical currents keep it not only alive but with strength enough to dance constantly before tho the public until the november snows come it Is extremely likely that president taft will have some things to say about the tariff maintaining a position of 0 defense ot ills his act in signing the bill it is believed however that the president will pay most of his speaking attention to his legislative measures and to his bis future program for mr air taft it Is said does not be bileve that the customs should by any means ve be made the maln main issue during the the he congressional campaign even it if the democrats make good their threats Midd middle leWest west may not want speakers most alost of tho the members of the republican congressional committee are arc high tariff men and so naturally it Is to be expected that they will urge the strongest strong est kind of a defense ot of the payne aldrach schedules it la Is understood that some of the old time stand pat republicans will be sent into the middle west to make tariff speeches of the kind that were popular in the days when william mckinley was running for the presidency this means that there will be a wide difference be tu een the tone of the speeches made during the he taft campaign and those to be made during the congressional campaign of the coming summer and tall fall when the taft bryan campaign was on the republicans spoke of the tariff in much the same spirit that they s spoke poke of it during the jays days of the national convention they said they were going to revise the tariff and the he general understanding was that they were going to revise it downward now the democrats charge that there was no revision downward or if there was any lowering tendency at all it was too slight to be worthy of attention some of the insurgent republicans public ans are in tho the same mood as the democrats and to in the insurgent districts it Is probable abla that there will be very little high tariff t talk alk this means that the republican congressional committee will find that the speakers which they apparently intend to provide will not be in demand in the insurgent districts tariff worries massachusetts representative mckinlay AicKin lay of california who must not be confused with representative mckinley mckenley chairman of the republican congressional committee although both are high crotee zionists recently made a speech in the chelsea A mass fass district represented in congress by ernest W rob erts a stanch republican the old day state la Is much exercised over tariff matters and some of the republicans public ans there fear that they are not going to be reelected elected re they find they can not repudiate their action on the payne tariff law and so they have mado made up their minds to defend the law and to try to bring tho the doubters back into the tha fold while the republican congressional committee Is getting read ready v to send out its ts best high tariff speakers the democratic congressional committee Is preparing to send out its best beat anti high tariff speakers speak era it ts Is perfectly evident that the next campaign will be one in which the tariff will figure just as largely as an issue as it has figured ony any time in the past except in the purely insurgent districts it may be that the insurgent republicans not wis wishing hing to keep up the animosity within the party will retrain refrain from talking about the payne tariff law litia and d ill make their campaign on a basis af f legislative gIsIn tIve progress in other directions occasionally using a word ward however to the effect that under democratic rule free trade will bo be ai a certainty and that while the insurgents insurgent 3 are tariff revisionists they are very far ar removed from the condition of out ind and out believers in free trade seek new leaders doth both the republican and democratic members of the united states senate are considering the question of the leadership in the senate after the fourth of march next when nelson W aldrich the majority chieftain and hernando D money aloney the minority chieftain retire from the service it Is generally acknowledged by th lb members nem bers of both parties and probably y the country that in effectiveness or of bority leadership the republicans have had no roan man in years ets as resource ful and as tactful as tho the senator rom rhode leodo island has haa proved himself to lie be countless thousands of keople found lault fault with mr baldrichs Ald richs affiliations and with his works ot of ment but no one has haa ever said that he be did not know bow to hold his party together and how to save sava the I 1 Itu atlon at crucial times after A manner er in which from hla his point of va view ow the tha situation ought to be saved williams succeeds succeed money senator money of mississippi will retire from froin the senate next march to be succeeded by john sharp williams who until a year and a halt half ago was waa the loader leader of the minority in the th bouso of representatives it Is generally admitted that it if senator joseph W bailey of texas had been saved from a less stormy career in matters not connected with the senate and it some of his bis colleagues did not differ widely from his views he would be the logical leader of tho the democrats in the senate it can be taken for granted however that mr bailey never will be chosen by the democratic caucus as a party chief in the upper legislative hall if senator culberton Culb ereon reg regalia alris hla his health and la Is able to reassume reas sunio the duties of leadership the democratic problem will be ba an easy one to solve for without question the texan will be ba given once more the honor of head bead iship chip the belief Is however that even with returning strength mr air culberson will see the necessity of hus bus banding it and will not care to take on the strenuous work of party leadership some man who has been long in the service will be ba chosen by the democrats to guide the destinies of their party in legislative matters of course this means that john sharp williams who was ft as the leader in the house cannot for a long time assume a like leadership in the senate the democrats do not know today whom they will choose as a leader but there them seems to be a possibility even a probability that senator rayner of maryland may lie be called upon to take the chief place senator eugene hale of 0 malna alaine who has been senator Ald baldrichs richs able as chief for a long time also Is to retire from the senate next march so he is eliminated from the successor hip it ruay may be that th the 0 duties of leader leader w will 11 fall up upon 0 n henry cabot lodge of massachusetts us etts unless there should be such a change in the factional complexion of the senate as to give the insurgent senators control the elections of next winter probably can not bring about an aa insurgent majority in the tha republican senatorial ranks but it Is possible that between now new and next march some of the reg ulars may break away and become either near or full fledged insurgents in this case mr air lodge probably would not be chosen as aa leader and the c holce choice might go to senator beveridge of indiana or to senator cummins of iowa second term talk evidences are accumulating that president tafts jocose announcement to members of his college fraternity that he be was inclined to think one term Is enough ties has led to some curious results some of the presidents friends have told him that if he really intends zot not to be a candidate again agaid it is within hla his power to check a good deal of the opposition to some of his legislative measures by making a direct statement that lie he will not again seek presidential office the president apparently has haa no present intention of making any such r statement tat ement because of course he be does not know how bow the future may shape itself and how strong and insistent a demand there may be from the republican party that ho he once more shall take on the duties of standard bearer it to Is perfectly well known in washington that mr taft has not enjoyed greatly his first years experience peri ence as president of the united states the troubles that have como come to him and the adverse criticisms that have been made concerning what some people think Is a lack of initiative have worried him as much as one of his equable temperament can be worried and tt it probably was because of the vexations vexatious of administrative life that he said what he did in indirect in ti mation that one term was pretty near enough for anybody any body from selfish standpoint some of tho the regular republicans say that it if mr air tatt taft does pronounce decidedly against a second teun term for himself the attacks on his measures measure a will cease because some of the men leading the attacks are for presidential preferment and so naturally they attack attach the sincerity of the present president in order to make capital for themselves by creati creating a 9 op position to the administration or of a man inan who it was supposed desired a second term there are signs that hat even with a humorously worded ex pres slon of a lack of desire for a sec ond term the opposition to the bigla lation Is subsiding this the friends ot of the pres prest lent say eay goes to show that the prophecy the attacks would cease altogether if air taft should declare himself out of the neld field was well based it must be said however howe er that few hardheaded politicians can call be found in washington in either party to ad mit that there Is any likelihood fur for a long time to come that mr tail taft will come out with a flatfooted flat footed statement tc the effect that he ha does not desire and will not take the nomination for a second term the impression Is however that it if a real campaign should be started on behalf of sortie some other republican even for Tb theodore fodore roo roosevelt S ev it and the basis of t the ie pleas for support for the new candidate candida tv should be built on the ground that mr U r taft Is not a success as aa a preal dent lie he will stay in n the field and w will ill ggut for a GEORGE CLINTON |