Show spider colonies colonie our native spiders are arc notable not alile for their extreme unsociability of those thosa w which are spinners each one ona con s KB its apart from rom those ot at its hind ellid and those which hunt pursue their prey alone says bay the london globe in other countries countr leB however there tire are spiders which live in communities and one such a native ot of mexico to 1 described by M L doguet it to la known na as the mosquero mo fiquero and makes a large nest neet in oaks and other trees flora the he spiders live gregariously and along with them in the nest neat la Is found a minute beetle and another species of spi der tile the beetle Is said to act as scavenger parts parta of at the iho nest of the th mosquero are hung bunk up in the houses during the wet seabon to got get rid althe ot tha illes |