Show WHY UMBRELLA WAS RETURNED something of a joke on the lati late henry ward beecher among the financial friends of tile the great preacher tans was one old broker in new york an a aggressive aggress ve unitarian w which sect he be 0 often said bore tile trade mark of 0 honesty one day he met rn et mr air needier beecher hurrying burning toward wall street ferry feiry to avold avoid the down pour ot a sudden budden rainstorm take my umbrella said bald the i broker 1 I dont need it the coining bus bua takes vie me to my door at the lie ferry sir air deecher beecher met a lady a prominent church worker of a sister church who having hating no umbrella was lamenting her inability to reach her car cap safely the urbane preacher forced the umbrella upon her as he said 1 I will be out our your our way tomor to mor row raw anti and will call and ret get IV t two hours later as ai mr needier beecher was sitting in the old arm chair in hla his study the doorbell rang and when he responded to the call a boy b hurriedly I 1 irr le d I 1 y presented him with tin nn umbrella together with an unsealed note which read lead dear mr air beecher my aly husband mr M demands that I 1 return the uni umbrella brelia you so kindly loaned me et ct once and join him in saying that under the circumstances tho the pleasure pl of nn an anticipated d call Is upon opening the umbrella you will become more ully fully advised of our united action the great expounder of truth and honesty honest was horrified when upon opening the umbrella he discovered a pasted slip upon which was written in a bold round hand stolen by sortie some presbyterian thief |