Show sta W za U N T I 1 F 1 1 i NB ri W 8 r w otal y all 0 H Ral calpon pon in idaho 10 ld oni c mrs A W lias has moved down aroln council and they found it oui that is 1 thattil that Cil uita may jaw solo sale was a reat fact W of suit salt lake with mith his coonrad coin rad V 1 I major mr wid nis ni ira s don doll major bijur of oe suit snit luke spent sunboy liere lien avith hi his hii i father V U D and iia mrs irs major mrs thynus fearly aud d daughter annie leave today on a trip to chicago ladles esic your merchant for cor tho the gair perfection skirt sup porter tho latest and best robert A is expecting eap exp acting to take a trip to Cu gunnison Gun Gison oulion to visit his cousin in mr Ilein in ia the near future the that hint alu citizens should clear alear off the rubbish front their lots lota in the ceia vi el rry ery mrs airia sessions burningham lq Is very low at her daughters mrs david kendall Ke adoll at S p r i ng v I 1 I 1 I 1 e at the vaudeville at the S surprise ur next wednesday evening good singing and dancing special ties tn lire are expected the annual of tle tho stockholders of the bountiful light power co will be beheld held on wednesday may 1910 fm ahe 14 I 1 I 1 coto I 1 g oliell building 11 ti ilo s will treated to a fino report ml kinds fo fish fir clifio li fio ok 4 poles trout lins kots nn i 1 line nl III tv tiie Borin til ill lumber S af A n I 1 11 II kirby ahby of 0 ogdan dell was waa sud sua aunly taken quite ill III on oil friday white while horo here visiting nth his ni other but lie bo is batter bailor again miss JI iss maggie tout and company while in were entertained at the home ionic ot of dr all and mrs airs kesler edward thomas Hulda thornas leonard handy lu luxter guras rett and erastus noble have ru ro bently had tho the electric if lights fits installed 8 lot let us place soine guttering on your lino price Ii cosi reasor able buth both ph ollos davis joun coun ly plumping Pl electric Ele ciric supply ou 30 I 1 wilford burnia ham who was in tho the hospital i in n denver deliver has been discharged from that institution having fully recovered frum from liis his recent recen t illness many now new customers have bem been added to culls calls list during hlis his may jewelry sale hale 25 per cent off un on real j jewelry awry is attract tive tho the bountiful pressed stone stona co installed a two burso rower moter this week to run their machinery for making cement blocks the leading hady ILI ia the vaude villo ville company for tho the surprise last wednesday was taken sick too lato to got get I 1 a substitute so a plain picture show was given miss aliss touts routs concert tit at the tal tab minalu Illes tuesday day night was yet very fine every number was encored to which the star graciously re son piled there was a fair sinned audience you should see the new dia moud mond rings and the little lettla money it will take to pet get one during our may sale with 25 per cent off at calls william C harrison arrison II and wife expect to leave this week on oil 11 ten tell days trip to star valley they will visit with mrs airs harrisons parents at grays lake on oil their way out there if your shoes need mending take them to fred Ri rickart cliart in his new shop sou th of frank Yurl Yur tras ras tailor shop t commencing saturday yay may 7 and continuing continuing as long 1 as an they last a good line of capitol staple z lialis at ac per yard at C 11 II Kaii ipton co cos s wo we will wire houses at actual cost for parties panics on oil streets where the line is built bountiful light power co vaudeville are usually booked for a week at a place but the surprise gets them for wed night only taking them between dates and in this way gets some real artists call wednesday evening and see sea for yourself A shaynor St aynor the malad city land merchant would bo be glad to answer any inquiry reg regarding ardin farms or city homos homes in that beau bean tind and fortela valley debt at the regular niec meeting ting or of tho the I 1 local 0 cal company compa il y of goodmen woodmen Wood men hell hel 1 in fit bountiful saturday evening A april pria A C brown anc dr 13 L kesler were elected delegates and cains bilogan ind and dr EL E ANT smedley as alternates to the district convention to bo be heldak held at logan loann utah may 1910 spend your niel nickels cels and dime it at tho the bountiful coop co op whore where you get eta e a chance on tho the 50 hoosier kitchen cabinet see it in ill our window the lucky bican person at tho the drawing wednesday at C 11 II pump ton co 1 s was loo leo moss lie he drew the 42 piece dinner set dext next week will ile be the 26 piece silver set save all your tickets tie the more ticket you get the more inore ch chanco ance you have at taw drawing |