Show EXILED PRESIDENT EX DEAD word nord alexis alo was wa compelled Com palled to abdicate and flee flea from hayti succumbs succumb to grim reaper kingston nord alexis A loxla ex ei president of 0 died ha 1 j on oa way may 1 2 after a brief hh health however bad been considerably broken by the experienced experience 3 fit if the past eighteen months after h ho 0 was waa deposed and sent 1 inac 14 exile he has been hero here since the revolution ot at 1908 and possessed considerable consid property in kingston A picturesque character was taken rom from office when alexis vre compelled to abdicate and flee from on december 2 1908 port au an prince was then in the hands of the revola and generah general antoine simon who afterward became president was mr aching up tip the peninsula with an briny army ot of men alexis was variously estimated at from 80 to years he was a descendant ant ot of one of 0 the oldest families daml I 1 les Is in lie took part in many wars nord alexis became president ot of haftl in 1902 ula ills term was wa s to have expired may 16 15 1909 but his administration was not conspicuously successful cess ful prominent politicians grumbled because he did not give them what they considered their fair share of the spoils and his conduct in punishing some notorious looters footers of the national treasury excited widespread indignation its as it was regarded as a gross breach of precedent early in 1808 1908 the movement against alexis had gained great strength and in march a reign ot of terror was suddenly inaugurated lift in port nu ail prince the government seized many of the revolutionists and summarily put more than a score 0 at them to death the number of executions according to some reports reached for t general simon took up arms against the president ills march to the capital was a triumphant one the people surrounded the palace december 2 and took poss pbs eslon of 0 the city at the last moment alexis yielded to the pleas of those about him and decided to tales take refuge on board the french warship duguay trouin |