Show ANOTHER NEW IDAHO TOWN will be distributing point of section to be occupied by thrifty farmers dolse boise idaho pingree Is the very latest city to spring up from a former sagebrush sage brush plain A few years ago the valley of the snake river from blackfoot Dlack toot to american falls was for the greater part a vast desert today it Is one of the most desirable farming districts in the entire state and Is dotted with farm houses from one ona end to the other fine fields of grain and orchards are taking the place ol 01 the former waste land and in the center of this vast area lias has arisen pin gree irrigation la Is the magic wand that has suddenly transformed this great area into a most productive valley possible of supporting thousands ol of carmera far mera and to serve their needs needa anil and to establish a commercial center pin gree was vas planned to occupy the center of the valley the oregon short lino line will build a 0 direct branch into pingree and it will be in operation by way may the tha railed railroad a d will erect a new station and already completed Is a line hotel strictly modern and eight storerooms store rooms arranged in one building on june eth the new townsite te will be opened to the public and it Is 13 on oil this date that the drawing for choice of lots will be held the town like twin falls will be the distributing center of this new valley ol of the snake which Is in already showing the evidences ot of the hand band of the thrifty farmer |