Show LAYTON linea baker new 1910 anto seats detachable top buggies look the hie host best find ride tit the casi cst sold tit at layton lay ton branch san ler baker single und and double harness fire inide from froin the best of leather ait and by the most skilled workmen step in find examine the new piano polish polished eJ buggies strike the lie fancy of fit the ong ibn C W all co these balany spring I 1 old OIL 1111 homik e enjoy riding ill 1 Studer baker buggies Studer baker white tops nil ana 1 spring wagons lire fire known the country over for their light rull nm nim anil and durability buy yours tit nt tile the new layton wanell branch house hoube runabouts Kun ef jumped wilt will tile the latest auto seats cats nice line to select from nt at the Studer baker new branch house nt lit layton studebaker alier farril farni wagons wear I 1 tile tho ion lo agost ost sold at tho the new br nah house ut at lay guylon ton blics j lie four old son of sir itald mrs william Will iain burton died on oil of last hist week of of the bowels funeral services vere ere held friday there was a very cry large attendance dui dan kershaw Keib liaw has it n light rase case of albert domains Domai Doi nans is hoine is t tined neil for smallpox his hon orson I 1 all i it judge ellis fined five milkman milkmen each tho the latter pirt part of list last aveck ivcak i for selling milk below tile lie t lest e 4 t 0 our I 1 ir instantaneous buy bug killer is is the thing for bugs lit it house clean ing time 27 2 vents cents per bottle fit at the layton drug co cowley did not go gi it to canada as expected bill is homo home scicli with typhoid tyli oid fever lie he lias it light ease richard billing 19 and id wil e returned to their home ionic in canada saturday |