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Show PERMANENTLY have had no man in years as resourceCURED. At er About This Time. ful and as tactful as the senator from Why do they call them ocean CAMPAIGN PLANS Rhode Island has proved himself to No Kidney Trouble In Three Years. liners?" she asked. be. Countless thousands of people Theyre getting new terms every Mrs. Catharine Kautz, 322 Center day, he said, without looking up from found fault with Mr. Aldrichs affUisr I never heard it tlons, and with his works of accom- BL, Findlay, 0., says: Four years ago the sporting page. I became afflicted before, but an ocean liner Is probably plishment, but no one has ever said that he did not know bow to hold hia with kidney trouble, a hot one that isnt inflelded well and Leads all other medicines in ran rolls Into a puddle or something. and party together, and how to save the rapidly situation at crucial times after a manShe made no answer, but when he the cure of all spring ailments, down in health. I Republican Congressional Com- ner in which from his point of view, the suffered from back- had gone to business she phoned the humors, loss of appetite, that situation ought to be saved. ache and other kid- doctor about him. mittee Getting in Readiness tired feeling, paleness and ney disorders and Williams Succeeds Money, A Dye That Will Color any Fabric. for Active Work. was and Take languid Senator Money of Mississippi will Mrs. Adam Herbeson writes, I have nervousness. weak. I doctored used retire from the senate next March, to Get tt today. In usual liquid form or Cored by LydiaE.Pinkhams Dyola and find it superior to any and used different other package dye I have ever tried, tablets called Barsatabs. 100 Doses (L be succeeded by John Sharp Williams, remedies hut became no better. Doan's as the same package colors wool, cotwas half a a who until and ORATORS ago, TARIFF year TO DEFEND Vegetable Compound MOTHER CRAYS the leader of the minority In the Kidney Pills cured me and for three ton, silk and mixed goods perfectly. A year ago last Galena, Kans. years I have been free from kidney Dyola Dyes come In 16 fast brilliant house of representatives. SWEET POWDERS March I fell, and a few days after colors. 10 cents per package at your It is generally admitted that if Sen- trouble. FOR CHILDREN, there was soreness in my right side. Question Is Bound to Be One of the dealer's. Write Dyola. Burlington, Remember the name Doans. For ator Joseph W. Bailey of Texas had In a short time a bunch came and it for color card and book of direcPrincipal Issues in the Coming been saved from a less stormy career sale by all dealers. BO cents a box. Vt., bothered me so much at night I could tions sent free. Foster-MilburElections Democrats DeterCo., Buffalo, N. Y. in matters not connected with the not sleep. It kept TradeMark. in ,4 bouts. Alall Draui.ia, in It mined to Where good thoughts germinate the Keep some and and of his if senate, owing larger colleagues Dont accept Hunpl. bi.iWkI KRKK. IddnaL by fall it was as did not differ widely from his views, PAPAS POSITION SET FORTH there is the growth of true greatness an, substitute. A. 5. OLMSTED. L Roy. N. Y Front. large as a hens egg. and goodness. Lee. he would be the logical leader of the I could not go to Washington. If the IP Republican con- Democrats In the senate. It can be Explanation of Youthful Suitor That Onnflflpatloo e&nws many eflrion disease. It DEFIANCE STARCI-1-1 bed without a hot packs Pierres pleasant Is thoroughly cm ret! by Doubtless Satisfied Father of Hie 13 on ssms ness sad starches other prle water bottle applied gressional committee has its way, a taken for granted, however, that Mr. only Pellet. One laxative, three lor cathartic. DEFIANCE IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. Adored One. to that side. I had defense of the tariff law will be made Bailey never will be chosen by the in chief under caucus a Democratic as one of the best doc- by the principal campaign orators party Always keep Imagination tors in Kansas and during the two months prior to the the upper legislative hall. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Yes, sir, said the pale youthful be told my husband election next November. The his suitor; I've come to ask you for your If Senator Culberson regains Repubthat I would have to licans had duShe is fair as lildaughter's hand. hoped that the tariff was health and Is able to reassume the be operated on as it of Democratic ties the as teuder as sweet buried as ies, an leadership, issue resurrection honeysuckle, past was something like at least ten years, but members of problem will be an easy one to solve, violet, charming a tumor caused by a rupture. I wrote for be Is that Mary you are talking to you for advice and you told me not their own party have refused to at- for without question the Texan will to get discouraged but to take Lydia tend a funeral or even to admit that given once more the honor of head- about? aBked papa. Yes, sir. It is a mere formality, I B. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. the issue is in any Immediate danger ship. The belief is, however, that even with returning strength, Mr. Cul- know, this asking for your daughter's 1 did take it and soon the lump in my of death. 1111 Mrs. side broke and passed away. Then the Democrats also have an- berson will see the necessity of hus- hand; but we thought It would be R. R. Huey, 713 Mineral Ave., Galena, nounced that For Infants and Chlldxgn. they are going to pay banding it and will not care to take pleasant to you if it were observed. Kans. their Mary's papa stiffened. to the tariff, and by on the strenuous work of party leadattentions Com. E. Pinkhams Vegetable Lydia And may I inquire, he asked, the use of frequent electrical oratori- ership. ' pound, made from roots and herbs, cal Some man who has been long in the who suggested that asking my concurrents, keep It not only alive, has proved to be the most successful remedy'for curing the worst forms of but with strength enough to dance serviceto will be chosen by the Demo- sent to Mary's marriage was a mere guide the destinies of their formality?" female ills, including displacements, constantly before the public until the crats You may, sir, replied the young inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu- November snows come. party in legislative matters. Of course ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT larities, periodic pains, backache, bearingIt Is extremely likely that President this means that John Sharp Williams, man, simply. It was Marys mother. -down feeling, flatulency, indiges-tlon- , Taft will have some things to say who was the leader in the house, canAwtfetable Preparation Tor As Philadelphia Inquirer. and nervous prostration. It costs the tariff, maintaining a posi- not for a long time assume a like leadsimilating ihe Food and Regulatbut a trifle to try it, and the result about TOO INTERESTING. In the senate. The Democrats ership tion of defense In of his act ing the Stomachs and Dowels of signing Las been worth millions to many the bill. It is believed, however, that do not know today whom they will offering women. i i Li Krfll president will pay most of his choose as a leader, but there seems to If von want special advice write the a a even be possibility, probability, to attention his legislative for it toMrs.Pinkham,Lynn,Mass, speaking Promotes Digestion.Cheerful-nessan- d measures, and to his future program, that Senator Rayner of Maryland may is free and always helpful. Rest Contains neither to be the called chief take upon for Mr. Taft, It Is said, does not beplace Senator Eugene Hale of Maine, who lieve that the customs should by any Opium.Morphine nor Mineral means be made the main issue during has been senator Aldrichs able chief for a long time, also is the congressional campaign, even If Ktop, joit DrSAttmnmcR the Democrats make good their threats. to retire from the senate next March, Pumpkin S--d so he is eliminated the from successor-ship- . MxStm t Middle West May Not Want Speakers. Is Growing Snudler Every Day. FotMi Smfts It may be that the duties of of An Most the of members the Sd Repub- leader will fall upon Henry Cabot CARTERS LITTLE fyftptrmtmi lican congressional committee are UVER PILLS ace BiOtrlmmmttSid of unless there Massachusetts, Lodge Harm Scad high tariff men, and so naturally It Is should be Such a change in the facthey fmpoouble CtmrSifd Sttfmm to be expected that they will urge the tional enly fire fdief-tb- cy WmkrftTt ffnvor of the senate as to complexion permanently strongest kind of a defense of the give the Insurgent senators control. ewe Ceestiye Payne-Aldrlc- h schedules. It Is under- The elections of next winter Apcrfecl Remedy forConstlpa-lioML probably . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, stood that some of the old time stand can not an about bring Worms .Convulsions .Fevcri pat Republicans will be sent into the majority in the Republican"Insurgent senatorial middle west to make tariff speeches and LOSS OF SLEEP. mm ranks, but it is possible that between Skin. Safltar of kind Sick were the in that the HmJkIm, , laJiges&a, popular now and next March some of the reg Facsimile Signature of v days when William McKinley was run- ulars may break away and become SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL rUCI for the means This want-ening presidency. UmpIre--SaI The GENUINE mint beer signature: Chlmmie, either near or full Hedged Insurgents that there will be a wide difference be In this case Mr. resign. Lodge probably would The Centaur Company,. tween the tone of the speeches made not be chosen as leader, and the during the Taft campaign and those to choice might go to Senator AWFUL NEW YORK. BURNING ITCH CURED Beveridge be made during the congressional of or to Senator Cummins of T7T7 IN A DAY Indiana, campaign of the coming summer and Iowa. Was Taking No Chances. ia Second-TerOnce upon a time a fond mother rail. Talk. In the middle of the night of March ' When the was campaign Evidences are that 30th I woke up with a burning itch in disapproved of her daughter marrying. under the Foodlij) the Republicans spoke of the tariff President Tafts accumulating This was the more awkward because on, announcement my two hands and I felt as if I could jocose in much same the that spirit they Exact Copy of Wrmppef. to members of his college fraternity the young lady had picked the young them apart In the morning the man out. Also he had wealth. And spoke of it during the days of the na- that he was inclined to think one term pull had gone to my chest and dur. convention. They said the? is enough, has led to some curious re- Itching the mother, who was widowed, had tional that day it spread all over my were ing to the and revise, going tariff, sults. Some of the presidents friends not the wherewithal to furnish her was I red and raw from the top body. the was that understanding have told him that If he really intends of daughter with the variety of frocks they general to the soles of my feefand head my downwere to revise it going withheart a not to be candidate agaiii it is and things which her youthful I was in continual agony from the "I might not object to the ward. Now the Democrats charge that in his power to check a good deal of oraved. I could neither He down nor no was if there revision or downward, man so much, said the mother one the opposition to some of his legisla- itching. I happened to see about Cuti-cur- a sit was up. there at any lowering tendency me tive measures by making a direct as cool and white as a dairy. No smell, no smoke, evening, if you would only let Remedies and I thought I would see him. But here is a man whom 1 all, it was too slight to be worthy Re-of statement that he will not again seek no heat, no dust. No old - fashioned contrivances. The give them a trial. I took a good bath have never set eyes on. and yet one attention. Some of the Insurgent presidential office. with and used Cuticura the the are in same as the mood the Soap publicans husno The president apparently has whom you insist on taking for a Cuticura Ointment I put It on from Democrats, and in the Insurgent disintention of making any such band. I dont understand such present is will tricts it my head down to my feet and then probable that there If of he does The daughter replied: course, statement, because, to bed. On the first of April I little be tariff This talk. very high on not know how the future may shape went I ever Introduced him youd Insist I al I IT T1UVA I like means a new man. The Itching was felt that the congresRepublican itself and how and insistent a marrying him yourself. sional committee will find that the' demand there strongbe from the Re- almost gone.- - I continued with the may Cook-stovspeakers which they apparently Intend publican party that he once more Cuticura Soap and Cuitcura Ointment Only Nine Left will in not to be in demand provide shall take on the duties of standard and during that day the itching comLee Wyman Is an earnest advocate at some plan under which the say- the Insurgent districts. bearer. It is perfectly well known pletely left me. FYank Gridley, 325 is the latest practical, scientific cook-stov- e. It will cook the most Worries Tariff Massachusetts. in Washington that Mr. Taft has not East 43rd Street, New York City, Apr. ings of children shall be preserved elaborate without dinner kitchen. the 1909. sold are Remedies Cuticura Cali27, of heating Representative McKinlay far future generations to read. enjoyed greatly his first years exor roasts better than any range. ' Ready in a second. The other day, for Instance, says fornia, who must not be confused with perience as president of the United throughout the world; Potter Drug & Boils, bakes, Chem. Corp., Sole Props, Boston, Mass. Wyman, my little boy was called be- Representative McKinley, chairman of States. The troubles that have come Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapsible fore the tribunal over which his fond the Republican congressional commit- to him and the adverse criticisms that Word. rests, towel rack, and avery Last The are both tee, although protechigh some what been have made concerning mother presides. feature imaginable. You want it, beto the Determined have last In made a word, tionists, recently speech Youve broken one of the precious people think is a lack of initiative, the woman cause it wiJ cook any dinner and not dichunted tho Chelsea the through (Mass.) district repre- have worried him as much as one of ten commandments, she said. beat the room. No heat, no smell, congress by Ernest W. Rob his equable temperament can be wor- tionary and soon emerged triumphant no smoke, no coal to bring in, no ashca Did IT asked our boy carelessly senteda instanch The old ried, and it probably was because of with a list of 3,000 framed from erts, Republican. to carry out. It doea away with the Hke. State Is much exercised over the vexations of administrative life "Constantinople, and received theredrudgery of cooking, and makes It a Yes, my boy. Ive said to you Bay pleasure. Women with the light touch over and over the ten command- tariff matters, and some of the Re- that he said what he did in indirect in- for one years subscription to the Joyfor pastry especially appreciate it, bethere fear that they are not timation that one term was pretty ful Homes big prize contest. Judge. ments, said Mrs. Wyman, and now publicans be cause they can immediately have a to find they near enough for anybody. They going of them. one broken youve quick fire, simply by turning a handle. Deafness Cannot Be Cured " Dear, dear, my boy said, theres can not repudiate their action on the From Selfish Standpoint. No half-hopreparation. It not only local so reach dfc and cannot tariff the have law, by application, ai Payne they Some of the regular Republicans eased portion of the ear. they is less trouble than coal, but it costa 1 here t only one way te only nine left now. to minds their defend the say that if Mr. Taft does pronounce rure deafnem, and that is by oonsiltuttonal remedlee. less. Absolutely no smell, no smoke And Mrs. Wyman let it go at made up Is caned by an Inflamed condition of the law and to try to bring the doubters decidedly and it doesnt heat the kitchen. a second term for Deafness mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this against that" back into the fold. Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im himself the attacks on his measures tube Is hearing, The nickel finish, with the turquoise and when It to entirely cloeed, Deafperfect While the Republican congressional will cease, because some of the men ness to the result, and unless the Inflammation can be blue of the enameled chimneys, makes this tube restored to its normal condicommittee is getting ready to send out leading the attacks are ambitious for taken out and will the stove ornamental and attractive. be destroyed forever; nine cases hearing its best high tariff speakers, the Dem- presidential preferment, and so natur- tion, Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners ; the 2 out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which to nothing inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. stoves can be had with ocratic congressional committee is pre- ally they attack the sincerity of the butWeanwill and case of One for Dollars Hundred give any or without Cabinet. Deafness by catarrh) that cannot be cured paring to send out its best 'anti-higpresident in order to make by Hail's (caused present Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. It is perfectly evi- capital for themselves by creating optariff speakers. CO- - Toledo a P. i. CHENEY Every dealer everywhere ; If not at rwra Bold by Druggists, 7$c. write tor Descriptive Circular to the near. W dent that the next campaign will be position to the administration of a Take Hall's Family pills for constipation. agency of tho Await the person who discovers one in which the tariff will figure Just man who ft was supposed desired a can ails an coffee It as Issue as of as has A girl blushes the first time a young largely figured second term. that a long train There are signs that Oil sny time In the past, except in the even with a humorously worded ex man kisses her because it embar(Incorporated) be thrown off by using purely Insurgent districts. It may be pression of a lack of desire for a sec- rasses her to think that he might not that the Insurgent Republicans, not ond term, the opposition to the legis have done it wishing to keep up the animosity lation is subsiding. This, the friends within the party, will refrain from ol the pres1 lent say, goes to show that talking about the Payne tariff law. and the prophecy the attacks would cease will make their campaign on a basis altogether If Mr. Taft should declare When a woman speak, of her of, legislative progress In other direc- himself out of the field was well silent secret suffering she tions, occasionally using a word, For over nine years I aoffered with chroulo based. trusts you. Millions have beto the effect that under Democonstipation and during this time I had to take few must be It that said, however, come confiof this mark stowed an and injection of warm water once every a hour, strength The comfort cratic rule free trade will be a cer- hardheaded politicians can be found before I could have an action on my bowels. dence on Dr. R. V. Pierce, nerve new the while of and that Insurgents In Washington in either party to ad from a rebuilding tainty, Happily I tried Cascare ta, and today I am a well of Buffalo, N. Y. Everytariff revisionists, they are very mit that there Is any likelihood for a man. During the nine years before I where there are women who cells by the food elements in the are Caacareta I suffered untold misery with internal far removed from the condition of out long time to come that Mr. Taft will witness to tue wonderbear in making and out believers in free trade. piles. Thanks to you, I am free from all that roasted wheat used of Dr. come out with a flatfooted statement working, curing-powthis morning. Yos can use this in behalf of New Leaders. Seek Pierces Favorite Prescription Postum. tc the effect that he does not desire suffering humanity. S. F. Fisher, Roanoke, II L which saves the suffering sex Both the Republican and Democratic and will not take the nomination for Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. from pain, and successfully And the relief from coffee aili members of the United States senate a second term. The Impression Is, Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. weakwith 25c, 50c. Never sold in hoik. The gen10c, womans grapples come from the absence of caffein. are considering the question of the however, that if a real campaign uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to nesses and stubborn ills, in the senafe, after the should be started on behalf of some 930 cure or your money back. leadership coffee. in natural the drug fourth of March next, when Nelson W. other Republican,, even for Theodore IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONQ r Morphine Habit Treated. and Roosevelt, and the basis of the pleas Free trial. Cases where other Ten days trial will show anj Aldrich, theD. majority chieftain, IT JTAKES SICK WOMEN WELL remedies have failed, uteciaUf Hernando Money, the minority for support for the new candidate ( lve ramru'w. desid. one No womans appeal was ever misdirected or her conDr.B 0. OOHTKXlaL-- left W. MIV.IM KL. KwTc should be built on the ground that chieftain, retire from the service. to for when fidence she wrote advice, misplaced It is generally acknowledged by the Mr. Taft is not a success as a presl Theres a Reason for iiOeomotar Ataxia the Worlds Distensary Medical Association, Dr. nembers of both parties, and probably dent, he will stay In the field and will Conquered at Let N. R. V. Y, Pierce, President, Buffalo, Ctoanee Blood & y the country, that in effectiveness of Cght for a renomination. Nerve Tnhl-t- o doer ft. Wrtte for Proof. Advice Free. Dr. Pierces bowel movement aaca Induce a mild Pellets natural Hmnrf day. lOtta Dr. CHASE, 224 North St Philadelphia, Ft GEORGE CLINTON. najority leadership the Republicans DOCTOR ADVISED tnfoiOxdlj Sarsaparilla BEliilURED OPERATION it 10. 0 m Tho Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears tho a It ix infwtsch Signature of The Army of NotNarcotic t Constipation In . Uso n sh-ne- ss For Over v Thirty Years Taft-Brya- IP" n HiHET gnu You Can Have a Model Kitchen Plett - IPerSction iVjjlf M.I Oil e up-to-- ur Comfort and New Strength h Continental POSTUM in place of Coffee Honored by Women Company Constipation how-eve- u-- PARALYSIS; POSTUM ; |