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Show Stop their pain in one minute I For quick lasting relief from corns, Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads stop the pm in one minute by removing the causa i friction and pressure. Zino-pads are thin, safe, antiseptic, healing, waterproof and cannot pro- , , duce infection or any bad after-effects. . Three sizes for corns, callouses and bunions. Cost but trifle. Get a box today to-day at your druggist's or shoe dealer a. mScholl . Zinppaas 1 Put on on pa" THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have Thick WlBd or Cbeke-dowa can MjmMM be reduoed with alto other Bunches or Swsll-yii- No Mister, hair gone, and horse kept at work. Economical only a few drops , required at an application. $2.50 per bottle delivered. Book 8 A free. W. F. Turn. W 510 It St. WU. Hasv RUB YOUR EYES? fSv UU HlTer.Tfoy, NTT. BuufclM. a W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 38-1923. Hairs Catarrh Medicine Treatment, both local and internal, and has been successful success-ful In the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years.. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio . Atu'2'W.V.s4 mmm Jbr Economical Transportation OF Farm Products Modern, progessive farmers, being also business men, now depend on fast economical motor transportation transporta-tion to save time, eave products and get the money. Chevrolet Superior Lipht Delivery, with four post body was built espe- . , ,. . ... . cialiy for farm needs. It has the Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich. space and power for a big load. S"PTiari-pM.Ro.d,tf $490 which it moves fast at a very low IS 4" cost per mile. Coup , 640 For heavy work, Chevrolet Utility gfSj "1 '. l Express Truck at Only $550 Chassis Superior Commercial only, offers a remarkable value. uSSt J" Fit. any standard truck body. XTr7. . ,50 Chevrolet Motor Company Dn mim of Cntrral Motort Corporation Dealer) and Serxict Detroit, Michigan Station Every-whett TlfMnwIeivpriwfftctivSoptimltTltt 1 -Eggr!! SUPERIOR r M,JMM Light Delivery feiV JJ -Hn ul I "" ' T 1 i.i 1 " 1 C , ...lie. 1 |