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Show Copperfield Brevities . Miss Ruby Knudsen returned home Wednesday from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Park City.' Miss' Pearl Mugfur, who has spent the summer with relatives in Colorado, returned to her home here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald announce the arrival of a son, born Friday of last week. Miss Wealtha Rogers, who is in training at St. Mark's Hospital, Hos-pital, spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogers Rog-ers at the Telegraph. . " ' Mrs. Joe Starkey of Ventura, Calif., is visiting here, with relatives rela-tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker of Salt Lake SDent Sundav with the latter's sister, Mrs. C. J. Dixon and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and children left Thursday to spend several days with relatives in Salt Lake and American Fork. Mr. Tom Clark of Eureka is visiting at the home of her niece, Miss -Acord of Castlegate arrived ar-rived here Tuesday to teach school. The number of scholars attending Copperfield school being be-ing so large, it has been necessary neces-sary to secure an extra teacher. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mugfur have as their guest Mrs. Anderson of Aspen, Colo. Robert Askew of Salt Lake spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Askew was Copperfield's mail carrier several years ago. Mrs, Joe McDonald has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Fred Biske. Mrs. Eula Mann left Sunday to spend 'two weeks with her mother moth-er in Eureka, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. W, Hodges of Kansas City, Mo., arrived here Wednesday to visit the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Todd. Mrs. J. P. Turner and Mrs. W. A. McFadden of Salt Lake spent Sunday with F. E. Turner and family here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Terry of Draper spent last week-end with their son, Ivan, and family, who are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nicholls returned to their home in Soldier Summit Wednesday, after visiting visit-ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nicholls. Mrs. P. Doty "of Tooele is visiting Mrs. Mary Butler and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pearce and son, Billie, left Thursday to spend a fe wdays in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grant and children spent Wednesday with relatives in Salt Lake. |