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Show MANY W0H f AVOID 0PERATI0P Through theUseofLydiaEPinkU fc Vegetable Compound n Two Interesting Cases y1 displawmenta, tumors or growths,!- e"ijn"l8a I am able now 1 susdsst gig lieve the present distress and pre- 3, Box 44, Wilson, n. u. vent more serious troubles. Many . , rr.mt?rtn XreaAaA letters have been received from wo- Another UperaUOll ATOWea men whohsvebeen restored to health Akron.Ohio. ' I can never praU . by Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUble Lydia E. PinkWa Vegetable Com- Compound after operations have been pound too highly for what it has don advised by attending physicians. for me. I bad such pa ns and weak- ' . ness that the doctor told me nothing Mrs.EdwarrI Avoid Operation but an operation would help me. But Wuson,N.C.-" For about a year my mother had taken w VmtaUi I was not able to do anything not Compound and she told JJ'2 . tven my housework, because o tha had Son tot her. and .tool : H nd pains in my sides and the bearing- I atn glad to tell every one that I It Sown paini, I could only lie around made me a strong woman, and I hajre) the house. The doctor said nothing had two chjldren since them -Mrs. but an operation would help me but R. G. Westoveb, 825 Grant Street, I tried different medicines which did Akron.Ohio. IiVdI E. PInltham'B Private Text-Book upon Ailments Peculiar to Women " will be sent you free upon request. Writ to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, AlassacausettS This book contain valuable information Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 254AND 75i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Cuticura for Pimply Faces. To remove pimples "and blackheada smear them with Cuticura Ointment Wash off In Ave minutes with Cuticura Cuti-cura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dully toilet purposes. Don't fall to Include In-clude Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement. ijO (Mia? |