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Show Ths First Skyscraper. r.atiylon not ouly built the first sky-"cniper, sky-"cniper, but Invented the sptH'Uil t) of akyeriiier wlileb now Is a dlstln-trulsliini: dlstln-trulsliini: eluiruetf rlstle of large dties. In ISuliylnii the skyNcraper wan known an the r.is'Kuriit or stuye-teinple, witti many upjier Niiiries. l'reiu the f;ir-"tT days when the tower tow-er of I'.iibel was built, until nmv, the skysf-iiper has been repriiieoi ut va- j rimis Interval, says the Iietroit New.-. : A- pi'pu!a!;..!i ilispetses, the skyxTaper rmiies h,tu il'siiM-, mi'! r'Mppears only ; :it l.ni' in:rri,U ineirr the reenrrin.' pu-ssiiro of over H..u!.itl-'!i. "Tin ri is ,, netV t'l !; i;iler !l. s'ltl," U I'oM' -Tb.!! " b:.-h b i'!i l.iH.n it ''f s',.,o !; j';;,! u;;,', ;i ,,r h 1 II .!!.., , s I,,,; 1,1, h s,;i:i l,e li b"!li I n aln-vij- in tie a'es i ii:ei wer,. bi-t'.re us" 1 |